What Is Predictive Health-Care?

Predictive health care is probably not yet a household word, but basically, this new, evolving way of providing health care in the US focuses on assessing health as opposed to waiting until the disease starts.

The Challenge of "Measuring Health"

Health is generally defined as the absence of symptoms of the disease and it is the symptoms of a commercially related disease. However, physical symptoms are only the final stage in the progression of the disease, so preventive- or health hazard is necessary to detect any deterioration in overall Health or as we call energy.

There are 6 interview topics in Overall Health: Physical - Mental - Emotional - Spiritual - Social - Intellectual Health. Since physical illness is usually the final form of emotional trauma, treatment of physical symptoms is only a temporary improvement. In an effort to prevent physical illness, we must identify the cause of the loss of energy and make lifestyle a common culprit.

Through lifestyle, we understand an individual’s intentions such as nutrition and activities and choices of environmental factors such as environmental exposure, history, beliefs, social cohesion.

Traditional health care has nothing to do with these interdisciplinary mind-body issues, as medical knowledge does not extend to compliance analytical methods or interpretation of results.

Commonly accepted medical criteria for diagnosing the disease at sample collection are numerical values such as blood pressure, cholesterol, body fat, bone density, and various biomarkers that can be reduced.

Such patterns and techniques can be used in early health, but in healthy individuals, these "signs of disease" are similar to a snapshot of a condition during sample collection.

Considering all the results in the "General" section, a person is considered to be physically healthy, even if all 5 non-physical health factors are compromised. In such a case, the physical symptom has not yet settled on average.

Biology can be defined as the sum of all 6-elements that make up health. For a person who is classified as physically healthy, if the physical element is defective, there may be a complete lack of energy; When all health aspects are in harmony when a person experiences great energy.

A process that measures the total energy of all health factors is required. Since vitality is an unstable condition, we cannot rely on static samples to assess a person's sensitivity to any disease, such as cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose, and insulin.

We cannot recommend nutritional or lifestyle changes based on statics. Number. Instead, we need to look dynamically at how an individual lifestyle copes with specific situations with different levels of stress and comfort and measure cellular performance in changing circumstances. We want to assess the wear and tear the body has faced to this day.

These test results are abrupt and reproduce a person’s strengths and weaknesses. When a person's history, lifestyle, and personal goals are interrelated, a lifestyle adaptation program that is not based on prescribed drugs are created.

Why choose Predictive Health?

The Japanese "Attitude Survey on Health and Preparation" (November 1, 2010; hello-global.com) found that 69.4% of respondents "are concerned about their future health." Do we see a steady increase in the growth rate of organic foods even during the recession? Statistics give evidence that people are aware that it is better to stay healthy than to recover from illness.

The RNCOS press release, major market research, and data analytics firm dated October 29, 2010, shows that the US organic food industry will orbit a 12.2% CAGR in 2010–2014. According to Organic Monitor, the North American market for organic personal care products is growing at 20% annually.

"Even in the midst of the economic downturn, the gym, health, and fitness club industry continues to grow, membership rates have steadily risen and profits have been solid. Demand for gyms and health and fitness clubs will continue to grow over the next five years.

More value is placed on staying healthy "- IBIS Global Industry Report September 17, 2010, Merriman Curran ford, Health & Care Industry Report Health & Care US Sales. By 2012, goods had reached $ 170 billion, an increase of 70% over 5 years.

Gym membership for those over 50 will increase further with a target market capacity of 139.2 million over the next 10 years by 2020; March 2010 newsletter, according to Capital Connection. The nutrient market in the US will exceed $ 13 billion in 2014, with an annual growth rate of 7%; A press release issued on September 2, 2010, by MarketResearch.com.

These trend figures clearly reflect the global change for US-led preventive health, citing the highest health care costs in the world. If we are truly concerned about our future health, spending enough money naturally for a healthy diet and lifestyle, then naturally we can no longer rely on drug-centric illness care but can opt for attendance and preventative care.

Author's Bio: 

Mr. Ben Greek is a professional Health Writer for 15 years, He has published a lot of books on humans health. He is working as a senior professor at the University of Kuopio Finland.