In the summer of 2008, a spiritual teacher I’d gone to see for discernment said, “Did you realize that you shirk your own true nature to make sure that everyone else around you is ok?” I had not realized it, but as soon as she said it, I knew she was describing every aspect of my life and the way I related with every person in it.

As a result, by September, I had left my relationship of 4 years and the house, family and animals that went with that and moved alone, into an apartment. I also stopped coaching, speaking, and leading in the direct sales industry (which I think is better termed, “indirect sales” due to the lack of integrity that seems to be standard to do well in the industry.) At a loss for what to do, I became self-employed cleaning other’s houses (which is a whole other story about facing my ego and learning that my value does not come from what I do, but in whom I am while doing it.) I also began to work with a coach, who donated his time as my income had dropped to 1/4th of what it had been.

However, over the course of the next 2.5 years, as with every death, and WITH the decision to make it so, there was a simultaneous birth. I began to water the, “me” that I had spent my entire life pushing down into the ground. I began to speak and coach again; I became a vegetarian and tried out new recipes weekly; I took up Kundalini yoga and became certified to teach it; I actually read for pleasure; I spent hours at the beach in the sun reading, writing, listening to my iPod, or napping (all without guilt that I was, “wasting time”); I took walks alone; I hiked and biked; I patiently revamped my wardrobe with unique finds from the Salvation Army; I stopped watching television; I learned to live very simply and most importantly, I was in the new practice of living my truth in every aspect of my life.

I believe my spirituality IS my truth, but when I speak about this, people often ask me, “How do I live my truth? What is it? How do I know when I am living it?” By experience, I know when I am living my truth when I feel joy and love in this moment. I then know that in this moment, I am the most unlimited version of me and as a result, that I am expanding my life to include more of feeling joy and love. To do this consistently, I consciously connect to how I am feeling in any given moment. If I feel good, I am living truth. If I feel badly in any way, I’m convinced that a lie exists somewhere. I am lying about myself when I am playing small by seeking the approval of others. I am lying to myself when I am struggling in any way. I am lying to myself and to others when I am succumbing to any fear, blame, judging, or creation of separation.

Truth is defined individually. However, as we each live our truth individually, we expand all of creation and because of this expansion, we actually redefine truth individually, and with time, collectively. For example, 2 ½ months ago, I moved back in with my now fiancée because my, “truths” 3 years ago, were expanded and left behind, redefining certain truths for me and for my family and friends.

Continually redefining truth leaves us with this conundrum: “One must always remember that nothing is in truth, truth-either you resonate with this, or you do not. As the Outbreath continues to expand the space-time continuum, then so does the idea of existence continue to evolve as will the idea of consciousness.” (So said, “I AM THAT WHICH I AM” as channeled by Soltec, an Australian channel at

The answer to the conundrum is to focus on the now. In any now, my truth remains my spirituality, and even though it is constantly changing and expanding, I am positive that in any given moment of now, truth always feels and will always feel like love, joy, bliss, harmony, wholeness, union, ease, abundance and expansion both individually and collectively. This IS my spirituality and it is HEART work, not hard work.

Author's Bio: 

Tina Rayner, CEO of Rise To Shine Coaching (, is an illuminating speaker, writer, intuitive, “True Power” coach and Kundalini Yoga teacher who resides in the Vancouver, Canada area. Her greatest life lesson has been learning to live her truth, which really is to live in and from love, versus living in and from fear. Teaching others how to live in and from love is her living legacy and what the work of Rise To Shine Coaching is all about. She comes from a background of over 10 years of teaching experience, both nationally and internationally, and is a certified trainer with Peak Potentials, one of North America’s foremost training companies. She has been a feature success story in the Home Business Connection magazine, spoken at events like, “Women In Power” and has also released a 4-cd set entitled, “Rise To Shine-The Secrets To Living Your Power On Purpose” which cover the ABC & D (Awareness, Beliefs, Consciousness and Development) of living your true power on purpose. It's Tina's intention to assist people to live their truth by teaching them how to uncover their powerful, inner posture and come into their own full light to Rise To Shine. To purchase Tina's cd set, or to connect with Tina directly, visit