Web design is a relatively new term, so there is disagreement about what this direction is and who can be called a web designer. We will try to clarify.
The concept of web design in a broad sense refers to the process of creating websites, which includes the technical aspects of development, structuring information, creating a visual shell and transmitting information to the Web.


For a more complete understanding of what the creation of a site is, you need to be aware of the stages that a page goes from concept to launching its operation in the network.

- Drafting TK. Getting started is characterized by detailed planning of the goals and functionality of the site, estimates are made of its structure and design, and then a detailed list of works is drawn up, which is approved by the customer. The project manager does this.
- Usability At this moment, a rather wide range of questions is determined on how the structure of the pages on the planned site will be, to what in this case will be the most convenient way of presenting information. This requires the joint work of the manager and designer.
- Graphics. The designer creates a visual representation of the site, including in it a variety of elements designed to make the page more functional, and just to decorate it. After that, the site layout is approved in the form of a graphic image.
- Layout. Working together as a programmer, the designer realizes his idea in the form of a code that allows the image to be displayed in the browser.
- Webmaster. The last stage, when the site is hosted on the hosting, filled with information and proceed to its promotion in the top search engines. The site is already available to users. If you know all of this stages or one of them you already ready for working in the website design company.

Who is a web designer

The differences between the professions of designer and web designer become obvious. The scope of the designer’s activities includes only the visual design of the site, roughly speaking, the creation of a beautiful picture. This is a narrower professional.

A web designer is a multi-handled wizard who can combine the functions of a manager, designer, programmer, layout designer, cm-reader and many others. That is, he is able to completely create and launch the site, having carried out all the work from scratch to the final. However, he can delegate part of the duties to other persons in order to optimize the work, while at the same time he performs monitoring functions. Thus, a web designer is a broadly specialized professional who creates web resources. And the web design itself is a phased creation of the site.

Author's Bio: 

Mike Hammelton