Ergonomic chairs are designed for performing productive tasks in comfort throughout the day. They are not chairs for 'lounging' in, unless you are resting from your work activity.
Ergonomic chairs are designed for performing purposeful activity, which may be prolonged, as in computer word processing. Whatever the task you want to do in the chair, your needs are comfort, safety and a supportive sitting posture; that will sustain your sitting posture for as long you need.
It is why ergonomic chairs are modular, so that each individual part is designed according to the activity being performed. If you are seated at a desk writing, or word processing on a computer, then the seat needs to be one height. If you are chopping vegetables at a kitchen counter, then the height needs to be higher, because the work top is higher. Or if you are painting in front of an easel; then the seat needs to be even higher.
Some chairs are not so specific about the task that needs to be performed, such as the Executive Ergonomic chair. This chair has the image for an executive position, but it has more options in the way that the chair can be used for performance activities, along with more relaxed sitting.
Ergonomic chairs are for performance activities that support your body, but must also allow movement. It is vital that your body can move, as we are not designed to sit still in one place.
Our body is designed to move from the pelvis up or the pelvis down: to reach with your arms stretched out, or stretched out with your legs. Whatever feels comfortable and natural to you, because it is movement that matters the most.
I will be honest and admit to you that I no longer sit in an ergonomic chair for word processing my articles. It isn't that I don't practice what I preach. I have just gone beyond needing an ergonomic chair for comfort, as my back can support itself and I now sit on a stool.
I have told you that I have cured my back problem. It was quite by accident, rather than diligent perseverance. The method I have used is riding a bicycle. Don't worry I am not going getting you all into riding bicycles - not unless you want to!
Instead I only want you to imagine riding a bicycle. This is how I want you to sit, so you are sitting entirely on your pelvic bones. Now you can lift each knee off the ground one at a time.
I call this ergonomic sitting, so your body is balanced and ready for performing productive activity in an ergonomic chair. I sit like this on an ergonomic stool, because my back is now adjusted to sitting on my pelvic bones, so that I don't need an ergonomic chair any more.
It is your sitting position that is the important part to an ergonomic chair. By sitting on your pelvic bones, you will be able to move your arms and legs naturally and in comfort for sustaining your sitting position.
If you are now able to perform your activity safely and in comfort, then the chair is ergonomic.
The author Gail McGonigal is a qualified Occupational Therapist, who has her own internet company: selling ergonomic chairs for individuals with back problems be comfortable for active living. Gail identifies the Executive style chair as an ideal chair for anyone who wishes to multi-task for comfort in prolonged sitting.
Gail is offering a free "Therapeutic Active Living Plan" with each chair. It is a program that helps each person individually, starting from a baseline of inactivity, to correct positioning for movement, through a therapeutically safe and comfortable plan that increases productive activity, decreases weight and leads to a more active quality of life. Gail is targeting the Big and Tall person who is having trouble moving around and wants to overcome their cyclical problems - pain and discomforts, to inactivity, to weight gain. Gail can show you how you can overcome your problems, because she has overcome them herself and has broken the cycle of pain, inactivity and weight gain. It is a revolving door pattern, without therapeutic intervention.
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