What Does Deep Tissue Massage Refer To?

As its name suggests, this type of massage technique focuses on the specific structures of the muscle and connective tissues. It works on realigning these profound layers, releasing the tension from the area. Thus, it ameliorates the chronic pain that is associated with stiff neck, tensed lower back or sore shoulders.

This kind of therapy has a double function: corrective and therapeutic. The massage “separates” the muscle’s fibers, releasing the deeply-fixed tension, and at the same time getting rid of toxins and soothing the muscle by allowing it to fully relax.

The technique itself relies on very slow strokes and deep pressure applied with the fingers on the targeted area. Basically, all pressure is concentrated on the areas that are tensed and painful. The movements are performed either by following the muscular fibers or going across them.

This massage’s deep action has the power to break up and, thus, eliminate the scar tissue that is causing you pain.

What Benefits Does the Deep Tissue Massage Bring to the Body?

This massage technique is based on the knowledge that injuries and chronic muscle tensions come from painful, rigid adhesions in muscles, tendons or ligaments. Because these adhesions block the circulation, causing pain and inflammation which lead to limited movement ability, it is necessary for them to be broken down in order for the pain to disappear and the tissue to regain its full functionality.

By applying deep, direct pressure on the painful areas, the massage manages to:

• Remove chronic pain;

• Restore the mobility;

• Enable recovery from injuries;

• Fix postural problems;

• Eliminate muscle tension or spasm;

• Fix problems such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and the carpal tunnel syndrome.

What Should You Do to Receive the Full Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage?

During the massage, you must breathe deeply, in order to allow the therapist to perform direct moves on the deep, tensed areas. Such moves may be performed with the fingertips, knuckles, forearms, and the full hand or even with the elbows.

In order to relax properly and receive the massage well, you are not supposed to eat consistent meals before such a massage.

Drinking lots of water after the massage will help you flush the metabolic waste out of your tissues and get rid of the pain.

As always, even if massage is highly recommended for the general well-being of the body, there are some precautions regarding certain conditions, such as: open wounds or any infectious skin diseases, osteoporosis, blood clots, pregnancy and, of course, bruises, inflammation, tumors or abdominal hernia.

If done properly, deep tissue massage can have significant benefits for the affected areas and for the overall well-being of the body.

Author's Bio: 

Ben Pianese has developed a unique deep tissue massage technique. He integrate a massage treatment which involve aroma oil, stress fix, and pain relieve technique. To experience this revolutionary deep tissue massage treatment in the UK visit the Massaggi website to learn more!