Let's do a little Q&A. Getting back together with you partner after a break up is something lots of people want to learn about. There are various situations that could make it hard for people to decide what they should do. But following are questions people commonly ask about the situation.

Q: My ex is now with someone else. I want them back, what should I do about this new person?

A: This can be a problem but right now, your goal is to not focus too much on their new partner. This would make you look a bit too confrontational. What you have to do is appear happy for their new relationship. If you act calm then your ex's partner may feel a bit insecure and wonder why your relationship didn't work out. They might start saying bad things about you to your ex, trying to drive the two of you apart. This will only backfire on their new partner by making them seem petty and insecure. All the while your ex can't help but compare you, acting cool and composed, to this insecure person they are with.

Q: My ex is living away from me. I want my ex back, what do I have to do when it's a long distance relationship?

A: Long distance relationships are very hard to handle although not impossible. You should know that things are not hopeless if your long distance relationship ended with a break up. You see, using the usual steps and strategies, you can still try to get your ex back with you. When you try to contact them, you might need to do it a bit differently though. Try catching up with your ex using Skype, emails and other internet methods. Of course, if the relationship starts getting serious then you will need to visit them. If you are ready to bring up the subject of giving the relationship another shot, then you should really see them in person for this discussion. This would make a much better impact than telling them through email (and it's more romantic too).

Q: What if my ex says that they don't feel anything for me anymore?

A: First, don't listen to what they say and instead look at what they do. It's hard to fake your actions although you can easily lie or say things you don't mean. Also, there's a good chance that you still have a shot with your ex if they feel any sort of emotion towards you. This means that you might still get them to care for you with a little work. Don't lose hope and remember to put more weight on their actions over their words to get a true sense of how they feel.

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If you found this helpful and you'd like to learn more, check out No Contact Rule Break Up on the website Signs Your Ex Loves You.