Gardening is a fantastic and worthwhile hobby as it provides you not only with a creative outlet, but also with fresh produce for you and your family to enjoy. Getting started may provide some challenges, as there are several nuances to successful gardening. This article is meant to provide you with the requisite knowledge to ensure you get the most from your garden.

Save and dry your own seeds to save money on buying seeds and seedlings in the future. It is not difficult to save the seeds from pumpkins, watermelons, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and many flowers. Doing so allows you to economize by not having to purchase these seeds from the store next year.

The time to plant lily bulbs are in the spring so that they will be well-established by winter. However, you will find many varieties of lily bulbs in garden centers in the fall. If you opt to plant lily bulbs in the fall, be sure to mulch heavily at least six inches on top with hardwood mulch or straw to protect them from cold winter freezes.

One of the best ways to maximize the benefits of a garden is to learn how to can. Water bath canning is an effective way to store fresh vegetables for a very long time and is not that difficult to learn how to do. It involves submersing jars of the gardens home grown goodies into a bath of barely boiling water. This will preserve the vegetables for up to a year or more.

If you do not want to expose your family to harmful pesticides in your garden, consider using organic pesticides. Organic pesticides do not have the harmful chemicals commonly found in ordinary pesticides. Fragrant herbs like rosemary, basil, and mint are often disliked by pests, and they are good choices to plant around your garden to ward off pests.

Easily dry herbs using your car. Your car is the perfect place to dry herbs, providing a safe, dry, and warm location. Simply place some newspaper or other protection on a car seat, and arrange the herbs in a single, even layer. Make sure the windows are rolled up, and close up the car. Your herbs will be dry and ready to store. Length of time will depend on the temperature, but can be as little as an hour or two. As a bonus, your car will smell wonderful!

It is important to drink water when gardening. You will be out in the sun and it is very easy to get dehydrated very quickly. You can easily take a water bottle out to your garden with you so that you have the water on hand to sip on throughout the day.

From the simplest of gardens to the most grand, there are always rules of thumb that will help ensure you get the best possible results from your garden. By following the tips and advice from this article you will be well on your way to enjoying the fruits, and vegetables, of your labor.

Author's Bio: 

Gardening can incorporate a wide number of areas, such as growing your own food produce, or as a small market garden. Alternatively, many people take a great sense of pride in their garden, and plant flowers, trees and shrubs.

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