How honest am I, how honest are you, when no one is looking? Do I turn in the wallet found laying in the street, the anonymous money found by the check stand? What about the mistake on the bill, that is in my favor? No one will know, no one will see. When the founder of Transcendental Rebirthing(TR), Ivonne Delaflor Alexander asked that question of those of us studying for certification as TR Trainers, it was a surprise, I could feel my inner self, asking, looking. Many years later, I continue to find this question flowing into my awareness. I find many opportunities to answer the question, to move from conscious competence to unconscious competence.
Recently I began to extend this question from the realm of mistakes on a bill, found money, etc to much more personal, invisible opportunities. I realized that there is no moment of invisibility, only the illusion that no one is looking.
For at the deepest level, at the core of who I am, of who you are, someone is always looking. The observer, the true self, the high self, whatever name we choose to give. Every thought, every action, every word that core, that essence of who I am, is watching, listening. The greater question for me? Am I aware, and present with my thoughts, my actions.
Conscious Connected Breathing, Sacred Principles of TR and Personal Language are perfect opportunities to activate, to practice and to become even more aware- to become unconsciously competent at being the witness, the observer. To take the automatic- breathing, and the reactive- thoughts and transform them into conscious, deliberate, mindful actions. They are 3 Keys to Personal Freedom
It is the opportunity- to become
Even more aware
Even more present
Even more mindful.
To live with even more integrity.
In this journey of even more awareness, mindfulness, integrity is the hidden gift- personal freedom. Freedom from thoughts and behaviors that no longer serve and support the essence of who I am. Through conscious breathing, I take an automatic physiological response, the breath and transform it into a servant of awareness. Through mindful application of my personal, internal language I change my experience of life, I become free: more loving, more aware, more conscious. Through the embrace of the Sacred Principles of TR, I anchor my actions in clear non entangled values that honor individual responsibility, kindness and loving presence. With these 3 Keys, I become the observer and the participant in the creation of my life.
As a life coach, a Certified Breathworker, Transcendental Rebirthing Trainer and Jin Shin Jyutsu Practioner as well as a credentialed teacher and adjunct University Professor Linda brings a unique perspective and focus to her life work.
Linda has worked with thousands of parents to collaboratively develop education programs for their children. She supports teachers to develop curriculum and service options and has coaches teachers to become even more effective and supportive with children.
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