Mind, Body, Soul


Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Guide and Teacher
Michelle Morovaty

Dear Loved Ones,

Where are you going?
Destination known or unknown?

Upon awakening in the morning is there a goal in mind or are you moving with life "happy go lucky", hoping to get lucky?

Today I invite you to take a good look at your destination.
Is it something or somewhere you are proud to be or to be going?
Will you be leaving a legacy of truth behind after transitioning to the spirit world? And do you even want to?

Destination known means that you and I are in charge of our choices and decisions.
That we are not at the mercy of random events in our lives.

We can live with a purpose everyday compounding for a higher life purpose.
A purpose that enlightens our whole being, a purpose of love in every aspect of our lives, a purpose of sharing the greater good of us, a purpose that goes way beyond of ego selves
touching humanity, a purpose of hope and trust.

For with a destination known, all things are possible. For with a destination known the impossible becomes possible. For with a destination known we can open up our blind folds
to see the path of love and light guiding every step of our heart's desires.

Today I encourage you to take a good look at your life.
Are you happy with where you're going or are you ready to take a different route with God as your guide?

Look deep within in your heart and soul to self-realize and to discover your highest potential.
For your highest potential is your truth living inside you as your God-self is awake living in motion with love and light.

Let the blessings of your destination empower you. And so it is. Amen.

Author's Bio: 

Michelle is an Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Guide,Teacher, Master Dahn Yoga Healer, Wellness Coach, and Writer. She is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming, Master Time Line Therapy and Master Hypnotherapist. Certified brain Management Consultant. She is a Certified Reiki and Pranic Healer. Michelle experienced her inner awakening to her True Self, the God within, as she learned to heal herself from Lupus CNS in 2002. Since then she is guided from within, as a channel for the light, guiding others in their healing process Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually. Her life purpose is to support and awaken people to their True Selves, the Power within and to cause and create Oneness inside and out. Michelle also connects to the Spiritual World for assistance where Love is the essence of Truth and Oneness.