Proteins are essential for bodybuilders and more so because they contain amino acids which are the building blocks for lean muscle mass. It therefore goes without saying that the best amino acids come from the best quality proteins. Many bodybuilders have consequently been looking for quality or pure protein, and this they have found in whey protein isolate.

Whey protein is the purest form of protein – even purer than what is available in eggs. Further, whey protein is an excellent source of amino acid glutamine, one of the best amino acids that any serious bodybuilder, weightlifter or athlete cannot do without.

So, what is amino acid glutamine? This is an amino acid that is produced naturally and stored in the body’s muscle cells. Its primary function is to curtail muscle loss. The body can in normal circumstances produce enough glutamine to suffice its psychological needs. However, exercising or workouts lead to the excessive depletion of this vital amino acid at rates of up to 50%. During training amino acid glutamine is also released into the bloodstream and delivered to the body tissues where it is utilized as fuel. It is also supplied to the immune system in large amounts. Owing to these high depletion rates the muscles are almost always inadequately supplied and this leads to loss of muscle and effectively strength.

Amino acid glutamine is also useful in acting as an anti-catabolic agent which protects the muscle from the disintegrating effects of the hormone cortisol. It also works to improve muscles’ contractile properties, and muscles’ retention of nitrogen and synthesis of growth hormones. All these functions go to justify why we need a quality source for the best amino acids because normal food portions only contain approximately 8% glutamine and this is not enough to address the deficiency experienced by strength trainers. Bodybuilders are therefore well advised to supplement with whey protein isolate as it contains more amino acids than any other protein source. Other than the best amino acids, whey protein isolate also contains protein isolates, as well as essential vitamins and minerals which are essential in facilitating optimal body upkeep and stamina.

The good thing with whey protein isolate is that it is easy to consume, considering that it is available in cookies or cream and powders and in different tasty flavors including vanilla, strawberry, chocolate mint, and double rich chocolate. These distinct flavors help to effectively address the problem of taste aversion associated with a routine intake of whey proteins, therefore providing convenience and flexibility with regards to the regular needs of bodybuilders. This product is also fantastic for vegetarians as it contains high quantities of protein per serving. Its use enables them to experience hastened tissue repair and muscle growth processes as well as rapid recoveries from malaise and weakness.

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