
Working with crystals & stones is more of an art than a science. Not unlike how a perfume smells differently on each individual wearing it, the energetic qualities of stones shift in alignment with whoever uses them. Among the published references available are reliable sources of foundational information. However, everyone does not resonate with the experiences of those authors or with the research supporting their conclusions. That’s ok – your own experience is valid!

Throughout my decades of metaphysical service, I’ve received consistent inquiries regarding protective stones. As a general rule, the darker stones are more protective. As I’ve incorporated stones into my practice, my connections with them have evolved. BTW: use of the term “protective” here does not indicate that you are under attack. Instead, it’s similar to putting on a coat when you go into the cold or rain. The coat protects you from the elements and increases your stamina. Because of its presence you can last longer in that environment.

Following are 7 of my favorite protective stones and how I work with them. Some of these properties are echoed in previously published works; others are specific to me and those who resonate with me. We’re all unique; we’re all valid as long as we take the time to work diligently, with integrity.

1. Labradorite – A go-to power stone, and gorgeous to boot! I always wear labradorite when I’m working, to hold my space, like a solid container.

2. Raw black tourmaline/shale – A grounding stone. I place raw black tourmaline in various locations around my home and office for increased connection with the earth, which creates increased calm.

3. Lepidolite – What spiritual individual doesn’t love purple! Lepidolite is not only beautiful, but I’ve found it great for extending emotional balance, especially when working with emotionally vulnerable individuals.

4. Tourmalinated quartz – This interesting stone most often appears clear to milky white with black rods or fibers running through it. The fibers are of tourmaline, so they hold that same type of protection while helping remove unnecessary energies from the space between the reader/healer and the client.

5. Hematite – Often magnetic, this metallic stone is heavy, shiny, and promotes strongly grounded connection to the physical realm. I find it helpful to wear during extended experiences with groups of people, such as when facilitating any metaphysical class.

6. Dioptase – A bumpy, fragile, emerald or darker green stone with a powerful, concentrated presence. It’s a favorite of mine to place on my working table, to enhance my stamina during extended work with a succession of different people, such as on a phone line or at an event.

7. Sodalite – This pretty blue stone with white markings is my go-to for protecting my electronics! I’ve never seen that quality documented anywhere else, but I always keep a sodalite wand beside my computer. I’ve found I have many less difficulties when I do, so of course appreciate it greatly!

Blessings on your path!
Dr. Renee

Author's Bio: 

T. Renee Richardson, DD, "The AmBadassador of Light!" author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide. Connect with her: and visit