When you eat food, the food is broken down and suppliesenergy to different parts of the body. It's the ratethat this happens that's called metabolism.
How you eat and what you do, CAN make a difference on thespeed that your body burns calories. By using these 7 Super Techniques you'll have an easy way to lose weight...without really trying! Enjoy!
1. Eat More! How we eat affects our metabolism.
Don't skip any meals! By skipping meals, your body goesinto the survival mode. Your body thinks it's starving, so your metabolism slows down. That's bad. But! By eating at least every 2-3 hours your metabolism stays turbo-charged burning maximum calories! End Result? You lose weight.
2. Exercising increases your metabolism
Exercising in itself burns calories. We all know that.Right? But, did you know that by exercising, yourmetabolism is actually increased even when you're notexercising? Get out there and do something. Walking isa great exercise. It's safe, it works, and itkicks up your metabolism!
3. More muscle increases your metabolism.
Weight lifting, even with very small amounts of weightand duration, burns the fat! Here's why: When muscle isstimulated, it takes energy to rebuild them. That energyrequires increasing your metabolism and burning calories.In fact, calories are burnt for at least 24 hours after your weight lifting session!
4. Always have breakfast.
After spending all night without food, you can find your body going into the survival mode. If your body thinks itsstarving it's going to slow down your metabolism to help your body survive. Again, not good!
Have a good breakfast. Be sure to include somecarbohydrates in your breakfast to give your body theboost it needs to start the day!
5. Eat smaller portion sizes - More often!
Remember your goal. You want to eat at least every 2-3hours to keep your metabolism burning at max rate. Butif you eat more, you might gain weight. Right? So, to solve that problem. Eat more often but have smaller portion sizes.
End result? Even if you eat the same amount oftotal food for the day, if you eat smaller portions moreoften, you could actually lose weight! Remember, yourmetabolism will be running higher thoughout the day.
6. Don't drink alcohol
Not only does all alcohol have calories. Not good. Butalcohol actually slows down your metabolism. Really notgood! So, if you can, stay away from the alcohol!
7. Drink plenty of water
Not only does drinking water keep your body hydrated,which helps your metabolism to run at peak proficiency. But it also helps flush fat away from your body. Howmuch water? An easy way to tell is: if your urine isclear you ARE getting enough water.
These 7 ways to increase your metabolism really work!
Use them until they become a habit and you'll be amazedon the amount of fat you can lose. Without REALLY trying!
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