Instead of wanting to be like Barbie, many girls want to be like Hello Kitty because she has just as much and can do as much if not more than Barbie. Of course, Hello Kitty is younger than Barbie, starting out in 1974. Who knew she was going to take off and be so successful. She is in over 60 different countries, has her face on more than fifty thousand products and brings in 300 million dollars in annual revenue for the company that invented her, Saniro. On top of this, the half-Japanese half-English kitty is the official tourism ambassador for both China and Japan. This is not her only role as ambassador, though. She has been ambassador for UNICEF since the early 1980s.

Why are Hello Kitty games so popular with girls? She’s cute and cuddly, has the pretty pink bow, and while she may not talk much, she listens and can keep a secret. She also has her paws in just about any kind of game you can think of, showing that girls are just as good as boys in every way. She also stands for safety as well as innocence, which many girls and even women want to have in their lives.

There are many different Hello Kitty games to choose from online. Many of these can be played through a flash player, meaning these games are free, and can be played on any operating system or device, including your desk or laptop computer, your iPad or other mobile devices. You don’t have to worry about downloading any programs, or signing up for sites if you don’t want to. There are also so many sites and games to choose from that your girl will never get bored. Here are just a few of the many games you can find.

One site offers a number of different Hello Kitty games. There are memory games, matching games, and others that stimulate the minds of young girls. For just some plain old adventurous fun, there are games where she races against other characters, escapes from a variety of monsters, and even has to get rid of insects and other pests from her garden. In addition, you can find her using her favorite snowboard, doing tricks, racing in downhill slaloms, as well as many other sports. Younger girls who are still into dressing up their dolls can dress up Hello Kitty in a wide selection of different outfits, then go shopping or out with other friends.

These are just a few of the many Hello Kitty games that are available. If you are looking for these games for your girls, here are some tips to help you find the right ones. To start, make sure they have the Hello Kitty trademark, since there are a number of imitators out there. Make sure that the website is safe for your computer, so you aren’t getting any viruses and spyware onto your computer. Try to find sites that offer a variety of different games and skill levels, so that your girl can play these games as they grow older. It is also important to monitor your child’s activities while they are online, so they are safe. Even older kids need to have at least steady, occasional supervision, so at the very least you know they are doing their homework.

last but not least, one of the greatest benefits of playing games with your children is the family bonding that you build with your children. In busy times we forget about this and before your know it, your children are all grown up. Lets not allow this to happen in our family relationships and enjoy quality time together.

Author's Bio: 

The Author, Charles Mutrie has the idea that quality time with our children is a must. The newest addition of family friendly website he has created is called Hello Kitty Games online. Enjoy!