As the online marketplace continues to grow, we have increasingly found ourselves obsessed with buying everything online, from food to art supplies to furniture. Without leaving your home, you can have everything you need to be delivered right to your door in a box. Marijuana is no longer an exception, as we are seeing a growing number of people buying weed online. These findings come following a published study of internet search behavior regarding marijuana online sales.

This study of people's’ behavior on online pot-buying was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, with Google playing a vital role. The research team used the popular platform to look at searches from January 2005 to June 2017. The first thing that they did was isolate searches with terms like ‘weed,’ ‘cannabis,’ and ‘marijuana’ combined with ‘buy,’ ‘order’ or ‘shop.’ From this list, they were able to eliminate unrelated searches like ‘order weed killer’, leaving them with a few terms tied to buying marijuana using the internet.

Next, the researchers studied how often people searched for these terms in a single month. It was found out that throughout the 12-year duration of this study, searches related to buying cannabis online has increased by 199 percent relative to all internet searches. By June 2017, the numbers have soared to up to 2.4 million in just one month. Take note that these researches were not only restricted to certain parts of the country; all analyzed states – except for two – saw a growing number of these determined search terms every month.

Aside from tracking search totals, the team also wanted to know where their searches would lead them online. In July 2017, they Googled every one of their keywords and looked into the first two pages worth of links in the search results. Of these links, 41 percent of them led them to retailers of mail-order marijuana. And in two-thirds of these searches, the very first link lead to such a retailer. So what does all this information tell us? It says that people are not only searching for marijuana online -- they are also easily finding it.

This would not be a problem if buying weed was the same as buying electronics or clothing. Although many places around the world now permit the use of recreational marijuana, only very few permit the same online. Buying online might offer convenience, but there are valid reasons why it is not widely allowed. For one, states miss out on the financial benefit of legalizing recreational marijuana: taxes. Also, it is harder to regulate who is buying it. In many states, buyers should be 21 and older, and it is easier to fake ages online than in person.

Although many places have started to relax their marijuana laws, it is still important that the proper authorities regulate its sale and make sure that it will get into the hands of those who should not have it. Addressing these mail-order marijuana providers seems like a good place to start. It would help if irresponsible sellers are immediately weeded out, leaving out those that follow the rules, and will not sell just for profit.

About Bud Express Now:
Bud Express Now is a top distributor of marijuana products in Canada, aiming to provide Canadians with a quick and easy access to medicinal marijuana. Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, this online mail-order service provider offers quality products and excellent customer service.

Author's Bio: 

James Franklin is a full-time author and part time blogger who like to put his review on various topics.