Despite the nation-wide vaccination drive, COVID-19 spread remains a possibility. Experts predict that the country could be hit by a third wave very soon. In these circumstances, it is possible for the country to experience another lockdown. Only by being prepared for these eventualities, can you minimize the covid impact on your business.

How can you prepare your business for another lockdown?

All business functions can be moved online. Secure products can be deployed and trusted online platforms used to achieve this. For example, functions like accounts, HR, marketing, etc. With the right software programs, employees can move their functions online.

Arrange for computer systems, internet dongles, portable hard drives, etc. Allow employees to work remotely from home. Provide them with the training they need.
Your workforce should be up-skilled to make it possible to produce or deliver essential products and services after another pandemic.

In case of lockdown, keep clauses in contracts that cover delayed, cancelled or deferred deliveries. This will help you avoid penalties.

If you offer services that require close contact, such as restaurant service, it is a good idea to provide remote tutorials and self-serve options. Your goods and services can be delivered directly to consumers (D2C). You can use the opportunity to review your inventory and adjust orders to ensure you have the right products for the consumer. If you have the logistics to deliver essential goods and services, you might consider large-scale deliveries.

What should you keep in mind?

Preparation is key to ensuring your business can withstand future pandemic lockdowns. It is important to follow COVID-19 protocols, such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing and frequently sanitising. However, if your business is located at home, you should prepare your employees for working remotely and completing deliverables. Your employees should be aware of their roles, responsibilities and the scope of their work. You should train them to work remotely as autonomous units. Encourage them to work remotely with other teams. These steps will allow you to prepare for a sudden lockdown in your future and ensure business continuity.

What should you do?

Make a list of everything in your business. Take stock of your business.

Assess your readiness to work remotely and from home, if necessary.

You should have other businesses that can supply essentials in a lockdown, such as PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), medicines, testing kits and vaccines, manufacturing PPE, sanitisers, sanitisers, sanitisers, sanitizers, sanitisers, sanitizers, sanitisers, sanitisers or food delivery, grocery supplies, and other necessities.

Continue reading to learn more about virtual accounting, video conference, emailing and SMS.

Accept late deliveries and late deliveries from suppliers. All parties should be kept informed.

For special considerations during a pandemic or lockdowns, keep clauses in contracts.

Final thoughts:

There isn’t any business that has not taken a hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is extremely important for you as a business owner therefore to take steps immediately and implement digital solutions to avoid working capital issues.

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