Find out why more and more listeners are tuning into political podcasts

Podcasts may seem like the latest fad, but they’ve been drawing in listeners for around 15 years.
2019 saw over 700,000 podcasts hit the air covering almost any topic that comes to mind.
Since around 2016, the number of political-themed podcasts has seen a rise in popularity.
From former and current politicians to newscasters and everyday citizens, everyone has an opinion or prediction they want to discuss.
There’s no denying the popularity of an unbiased political podcast, it doesn't explain why listeners are tuning in every day.
Here’s a look at why political talk radio is invoking such great interest from listeners.

Starts a Conversation

While there are plenty of great political talk shows on TV keeping viewers informed, it’s a one-way conversation.
Even when the host brings on a guest, viewers rarely feel like they are a part of the conversation.
It’s different with podcasts. Even though you are among thousands of listeners, it still feels like the host is speaking directly to you.
You have a front-row seat to the conversation and it can often spark an interest in topics you may not have previously been interested in.
Listening to new ideas and/or opinions can encourage you to continue the conversation with friends and family.
It’s not to say televised political talk showsdon’t start conversations, only that the more intimate setting you get with a podcast often makes it a little easier.

Learn Interesting Facts

TV news programs, along with print and digital news outlets provide you with the basic facts. Whether it’s about a candidate, a new law, or a disagreement between different political parties, you typically only learn the basic facts.
It can leave you with unanswered questions or even feeling confused.
Some news outlets worry about upsetting viewers or the individuals involved in the topic being discussed.
It’s different with an unbiased political podcast. Almost nothing is off of the table, meaning the host often delves deeper into the topic.
You often learn interesting facts that are not covered by other sources.
Listening to a podcast can help you become and stay more informed about topics that matter to you.
It doesn’t matter if the podcast occurs during an election cycle or in between one, there’s always something new and interesting to learn about today’s political scene.
It’s one of the reasons why political podcasts are always invoking interest with listeners.

Stay On Top of Current Affairs

People lead busy lives with little time to read print or digital articles. The same is also true for broadcast news. It’s easy to feel like you are missing out on vital information that can affect everything from who you vote for to laws currently being enacted in your state.
With political talk radio, you don’t need to take time out from your busy life.
You can listen to podcasts almost anywhere and at any time.
All you need is a subscription to the podcast’s service provider and a compatible device. It can be anything from your WiFi-connected car stereo to a handheld digital device.
Catch the podcast on your daily work commute or even when you are tackling household tasks.
Add a pair of earbuds and you also don’t have to worry about background noise distracting you from the podcast.
For those who love staying on top of current affairs, at home and abroad, a podcast is often the best way to stay on top of the latest events.
Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

Do you ever feel like you are alone in your political beliefs?
Today’s political climate is making it difficult for individuals to express their opinions.
Podcasts are often a safe place for listeners. They can connect with the host and also with any on-air guests.
Some podcasts allow listeners to phone in with questions or to state their viewpoints.
As you listen to the episode, you may find you are not alone. Others share your viewpoint and it can help you feel less alone. In a sense, it’s a type of validation of your political opinions.
A podcast gives listeners a sense of anonymity that don’t have with television or in a group setting. This can make it easier for them to express opinions that may fit in with your beliefs.

This article has been created and published on behalf of the Real Clear Marketing Team

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