Once a year or so, you will get an odd invitation about a reunion. Sometimes it is a school reunion, sometimes it is a college reunion, and sometimes it is simply a family reunion. Regardless of whether you like getting back in touch with your old friends, you should attend all reunions that you are invited to.
Why? To answer that, you should look at things from the business point of view. Don’t perceive these parties on a personal level. Did you know that simply by attending reunions you could help your business? Reunions are full to the brim with opportunities for entrepreneurs! Read on to find out more:

As a business owner, you always need fresh ideas. Reunions are an excellent place to come up with ideas. The best part is that you won’t even need to work hard to come up with an idea. Just talk to people, share a drink, and have a nice time. Somewhere between all this, an idea will spring! It could happen very easily because these people will help you, unknowingly albeit, more than the other people in your life!

Look around during a reunion and you will be able to see numerous potential clients for your business. While you talk to people you studied with and grew up with but lost touch over the years and while you reconnect, you will find many very good clients for your business!

Look around during a reunion again and you will find plenty of learning opportunities. Surely you don’t know everything. Surely you are not a know-it-all. No matter how knowledgeable you are, there will surely be things that you don’t know about. These may be things that are crucial for your business.

Wouldn’t you love to learn these things and master them? May be someone you studied with or may be one of your cousins is extremely well versed with something you have always wanted to learn. Grasp the opportunity and learn!

There is actually no better place to find people whom you connect with and whom you are perfectly in sync with than a reunion. In return, you could always offer to help the other person with something you are good at.

I know you are not looking to get a job but aren’t you looking to expand your business? Aren’t you looking to expand your offerings? Every good entrepreneur tries finding ways to expand and improve.

Go to a reunion and find plenty of career opportunities. Again, you will find many just through conversation! Likewise, you could also find a great employee to work for you! If you see a spark in someone and think he or she would be a perfect addition to your company, go on and hand out an interview. It is likely that you bagged a gem!

It is ALWAYS great to get a fresh perspective. It is always great to know what others think. Of course you shouldn’t worry about each and everything that someone tells but you will be able to explore things in your plans and ideas that you missed out. A fresh perspective from someone knowledgeable is always welcome.

Don’t ever reject a reunion invite!

Entrepreneurial Learning
Reunions are an excellent way to find clients, discover fresh new ideas, get a different perspective, find new employees or ways to expand your business, and to learn a great number of things. It is always ideal for an entrepreneur to attend reunions, thus.

See more at: http://www.kuzabiashara.co.ke/

Author's Bio: 

“Kuza” in Kiswahili means Grow and “Biashara” is Business.

As a small business moves through the various stages of its life cycle, it requires different support programs that are suited to its specific needs at that time. Kuza Biashara offers training, educational, and business support services which are critical to their success and enable them move from an informal sub-sector to a knowledge based economy.

- See more at: http://www.kuzabiashara.co.ke/