Solo female travel has its own hashtag on Instagram.

And why should we have a separate category for female travel? Some feminists say that telling a female travel apart undermines its value from regular travel that was by default done by men. However, I am of a view that women traveling on their own do have something special in them. They are not common women who have surrendered to the whims of the society. They chose to break the bonds, even if they did so without telling anyone.

I am an Indian female who chose to go for at least one solo trip before I got engaged. I didn’t panic at all when I told my fiancé that I want to have a memory of a solo trip, but I cannot tell about it at home. Thankfully, he agreed to keep my secret, and I ventured out to the Himalayas for a four-day trip. I didn’t have any fixed itinerary planned, but I had the time of my life. No one, except my fiancé who is now my husband, knows about it, but I can still boast about it to myself. Nonetheless, this post is not about me, it is about why women in general must travel solo, no matter the place.

Do it for the sake of it

You don’t have to go to Europe or Italy to tell it to the world that yes, you did it! Even if you go to a little place near your hometown, all on your own, it is worth the time and effort. Solo tripping is not meant to show off to the world, it is to tell yourself that you can handle life yourself.


Boost your confidence

You get an immense boost in your confidence when you survive a solo trip as a woman. You get to talk to several people, make new friends, realise whom you can trust and the kind of people you must stay away from, choose your meals, and find the destinations that you want to visit. Taking your decisions yourself gives you the confidence to do it every time you face a dilemma in your routine life.


Meet new people

When you travel with a group, you don’t get to interact much with other people. However, when you are traveling solo, you get more chances to communicate with the locals and other travellers. People also feel more comfortable to talk to you when you are not in a hurry to rush to the next destination. You may hire Car Rentals in Delhi and drive your way to the hills up in the north. You may meet several people that you may or may not like, and get to decide yourself whether you want to be in touch with them in future or not.


Solo travel gives you immense opportunities to explore yourself and your life. At least until you are single, you must give yourself a chance to venture out with yourself, travel around the world, and return with a heart full of memories.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this content is fond of roaming using Self Drive Cars on his own for exploring the India. Here author want to share his experience and some advice about travelling which can help everyone while travelling anywhere in India.