There are so many theories as to what it takes to be successful- hard work, perseverance, dedication, loyalty to an employer, integrity, and the list goes on. Each of these attributes is important, however without personal development, none of it matters. You can be the most hard working individual there is, however if you do not take time to improve yourself, you will continue to be just a hard worker.

Personal development is not something that can occur in a specified timeframe. I cannot decide today to take a personal development class or read a book and transform. Personal development is a journey down the unknown path. You may know where you want to go but you don’t know how long it will take. The journey is different for each person.

Taking one step at a time is the best way to approach personal growth. “Putting one foot in front of the other….” as the song goes is the best approach. This will not allow you to become overwhelmed with the changes that will begin to occur. The process of change becomes exciting yet challenging.

Personal development is all encompassing. Some people are looking to be healthy, others just to get rich and thus allowing other parts of their lives to be neglected. Being successful in personal development includes the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of life. You will become whole.

As Jim Rohn says, “Everything you need for a better future and success has already been written.” Reading is at the center of personal development. There is an endless supply of books on the topics of personal development as well as an endless supply of personal development coaches. Find a couple that you like and develop a relationship with that person.

Personal development takes perseverance. Many people start but only the successful finish. Successful people overcome obstacles placed in their path. They are not easily distracted. Ordinary people remain average because they do not persevere.

Discipline is mandatory. Each day you must take action to move in a forward motion. Each day will bring you that much closer to the end result. Whether it be networking today and calling leads tomorrow or making changes to a website, the task has moved you closer to your end. This is discipline and it is something lacking in the average person.

There are four main thoughts on personal development which have been written about that I will outline. First, personal development is an invitation that is sent to many but only a few accept. So many people believe they are “the best they can be” already and cannot improve. It takes a special person to acknowledge there is always room for improvement. Accepting the invitation means accepting the challenge. New doors open. Uncertainty pertaining to what will be found is stimulating. What will you learn? What will you discover about yourself?

Next, you must have a plan before setting out. You must have a plan as to how you are going to tackle your journey. The plan may be changed as progress evolves. Nonetheless a plan is a necessity.

Third, personal development involves education. You must be open to learning. Keeping an open mind and readily accepting what you discover. Again, reading is a vital part of personal development. Learn everything you can about yourself. You may be surprised as what you find.

Finally, personal development is about association. We are what we associate with. Take a look around, you are what your five closest friends are. We are influenced by everything we do, what we read, who we associate with and where we visit. These actions develop how we view ourselves and how we view the world around us.

When you reach your destination, celebrate! When you become the person you always knew you could be, celebrate! The journey is only half the fun, now you get to live the life you deserve.

Author's Bio: 

Ann Shipley is the Co-Founder and President of Dreams2Wealth Enterprises, LLC. Ann left corporate America as a Sales Executive to pursue helping others obtain the necessary knowledge and opportunities to take control of their financial independence.

As a single mother of two boys, the idea of working from home appealed to Ann. Establishing Dreams2Wealth Enterprises was the perfect solution. A direct sales network marketing business opportunity allows Ann to work from home and still be available for her children. Family is important to Ann.

As an entrepreneur, Shipley is looking to help others establish their financial independence through the same means she has accomplished. Shipley's company provided individuals with the necessary educational products and guidance to regain control of their finances. As confidence builds within each client, their ability to create wealth opportunities for themselves is enhanced.