I was reading an article recently in one of the new rising websites about numerology (see Readings and Articles page !). It was written by some old guy who was reflecting upon the state of numerology. He sure did have a lot of opinions! Anyway, while wading through all of the big words and lengthy paragraphs, I realized that there were some interesting things worth thinking about.
One of them that caught my attention was the possibility of numerologists working together to form a united association. Let's suppose this was to happen. What might be some of the components of this organization? There are so many possibilities that it is difficult to know where to start.
It is a given that there would administrative leadership and personnel.
A basic start would include a structure to include practitioners along with members who are just starting to explore numbers.
Some standard of qualifications would have to be established. Many options also could come out of that process.
Some that come to mind would include developing common nomenclature to make numerology easier to learn .
Once the fundamentals were established, attention could be given to other divisions of focus.
Of certain importance would be a research division to explore applications and theoretical possibilities.
In time it would make sense to have an academic division to work on uniting numerology with mathematics, statistics, physics, psychology and more.
One cannot overlook a division that works with music, the arts, sound and color and so forth.
We must not forget a division of applied numerology. One thought that comes to mind was a numerologist who specialized in personnel placement. There are dozens of areas of specialized information that individual practitioners possess that could be taught and directed outward for public sharing.
A community service division comes to mind as a natural fit to the growing organization.
And finally, but not least, a team of members, associates, practitioners and perhaps media experts could be formed to review numerology websites who want to be recognized by the organization.
Well, it is clear that this writer is not much of an organizer, and maybe a better idea man. Why don't you share your thoughts with others? Talk among yourselves.
I toss these suggestions out for consideration, and leave it to a more enterprising numerologist to get things going. Maybe a leader with an 88 integrated self and 33 life number? Or, maybe a not as exotic, but effective 8 soul number with an 11(2) life number? What do you think?
Perhaps the time has come? Spread the news and share these ideas openly.
Posted July 9, 2014 This information is unrestricted and for public distribution. Kindly acknowledge the writer.
Lynn Buess, MA, EdS brings a unique background to his fifty plus years study of numerology and the wellness process of self growth. The year 2014 marks his 40th year as a published author. During his earlier years he studied multiple theories of esoteric and metaphysical subjects including eastern religion and philosophies, reincarnation, astrology, and yoga to mention a few. His academic years in pursuit of three degrees in Psychology took him into humanistic psychology, transpersonal psychology and parapsychology studies as well.
This academic experience, along with personal studies, mystical events and glimpse into cosmic consciousness has given him an extraordinary perspective into the understanding of human psychology and behavior. As a one time psychotherapist and alternative wellness practitioner, he utilized multiple healing modalities. Lynn is constantly seeking to apply the most efficient methods of healing and attainment of well being.
Having come from a family of alcoholism and other toxic patterns, he was eventually introduced to the issues of Adult Children of Alcoholism and the multiple dysfunctions of alcohol, drugs, sexual and codependent behavior. Much of his practice dealt with these common social behavior patterns. Lynn's interaction with multiple nationalities adds to his acuity of perception regarding human nature. It has also been an aid in better processing generations of family dysfunction and growth.
He served as a government investigator during his early adulthood. The duties of that position included conducting hundreds of background investigations for people obtaining military security clearances. Having this professional investigative background enables him to identify social and public issues that are frequently unrecognized or ignored by members of the general public.
This unique and varied cornucopia of internal mystical experiences and external life circumstances is reflected in the vastly expanded viewpoint he brings to the field of numerology and his wellness professionalism. Lynn is able to examine numerical cycles and deftly apply them in analyzing individual intervals of life circumstance, or national and international events taking place in the world around us.
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