We live in a quick fix society and as a result, many people have been tricked into thinking that the results they want in life should come easily and quickly. Turn on the TV or surf the web and look at the ads that are displayed. From money making programs that will supposedly retire you in 6 months to weight loss products like machines and pills that will shed a bunch of weight off in 30 days without much effort on your part, it's hard not to believe getting everything you want is a cinch.

It's not all the advertisers' fault though. If you have a great product that can help change someone's life in some way that will require a lot of work on their end and you market it as it is, you're not likely to make as much money compared to the company who promises quick results with minimal effort. A 30 Day program will simply sell better than a 3 Year program. People want results sooner not later.

Of course, here in lies one of the problems when it comes to achieving our goals. Without enough effort and time, most meaningful goals won't get accomplished. In order to increase the odds of getting the results you want, you'll have to approach the goal with a long term mindset.

Anyone can get motivated and take action for 30 days but only the committed ones can stick to their goal for 5 years or however long it takes to actually achieve it. This is what's required to be successful. There are no short cuts to success. There may be more efficient ways of doing things but no matter how you look at it, success will take a lot of hard work.

So how can you go from expecting results quickly to having the patience to build true success? It starts with your mindset. People usually quit because they get discouraged when they don't get the results they were expecting. When things start to get hard, it's that conversation that you have with yourself that will determine whether or not you will keep pushing forward.

This is why sites like SelfGrowth.com are great. You have tons of positive articles to read and videos to watch to help you create a stronger mentality. When you can get yourself through those moments where you just want to quit, you will come out the other side mentally stronger. As this happens, you will be able to face tougher challenges.

Assuming that they are taking the right actions, most people don't achieve the life they really want not because they're incapable or even because they don't work hard but because they don't work hard for a long enough time. It's tough to keep working when you're not seeing the results quickly enough but sticking to your goal is a major part of success and without the right mentality, it's going to be pretty tough.

Read positive quotes and articles or listen to positive audio programs regularly to help reverse that negative self talk that keeps convincing you to quit before you reach your goals. Drop the idea of quick and easy success. When you realize how tough the challenge is, it will force you to bring the best out of yourself and only when you do that will you stand a chance of achieving the things you want in life.

Author's Bio: 

Aside from the content on this site, you may also be interested in my book called, Let's Do This! 100 Powerful Messages to Help You Take Action.

Success starts with the mind and when you program your mind for success, success will seem easier not because it actually gets easier but because you will be mentally stronger.