So, you're headed to the Big Apple? This is certainly a great time to make of list of things to do New York! New York City is one of the best places to go if you are going to travel in the United States, and should definitely make your list of the top 100 things you want to do on vacation!

When you arrive in New York City, you'll need to check into a hotel near the action. The best hotels near the heart of the city have an average rating of 4.5 to 5 stars. These hotels offer top customer reviews and luxurious accommodations. A night at one of these highly rated hotels will run you an average of $800 per night. The top rated hotels near Times Square and Central Park may be pricey, but they are close to all the great things to do New York.

If these hotels are out of your price range, there are many hotels with an average rating of 3 to 4 stars that are still some of the top sellers with high praise from customer reviews. The prices for a night's stay at one of these city hotels range from $250 to $600 per night, depending on location. Hotels with the lowest price tend to be farther out from the city center, but still offer good accommodations, decent hotel reviews, and access to transportation to the best things to do New York.

Whether you are intent on seeing the sights at the many outdoor attractions, or interested in the prolific art scene, New York City has the best that travel within the United States has to offer. A trip through Central Park is a must on your list of things to do New York. There are so many things to do while in the park, making it a fit for any type of traveler. If you like art, music, food, animals, nature or just people watching, Central Park has it all. Spend all day in the best public park in the United States!

After your stroll though the park, consider a trip out to Staten Island on the Staten Island Ferry. It truly has one of the lowest prices you will pay for public transportation. The Staten Island Ferry offers views of the New York City skyline, and a day shopping for things in some of the best shops is just what you need after trekking around the city. This stop won't leave you scrambling for things to do New York vacation.

Why not use your trip to New York City as a jumping off point for things to do near New York as well? Niagara Falls is about 400 miles from New York City, and visitors often combine these trips in order to see both historic tourist favorites. Whether you travel by air, train, car or bus, remember to pack a passport to view the Canadian side of this top travel destination.

My best advice is to create a list of the top things you want to do while you travel to New York City, and be a part of the city that never sleeps! A trip to New York is one of the best you will ever take.


Things To Do New York



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Then at that point in time you can have an intellectually appropriate discussion about immigration reform