Being qualified for a job is not an assurance that you can get the job you applied for, you can still get turned down if the cover letter you send along with your resume is too broad or poorly written. Writing a cover letter is your first shot to get noticed and is the lone reason recruiters want to read your resume. If the cover letter is misguided, your resume will not get noticed even if it may be the most well written resume ever. To get noticed, it is vital to to write a good cover letter. Below are some tips that will help you decide what to include so you can create the best possible cover letter.

There are several methods of writing a letter. Basically, the format will depend on the type of job and industry you are applying to and the method of transmission. However there are some tips that apply to all letters and should be read before you outline yours.

· Target organization or business –It is important that you recognize your target organization and target it specifically. This way you can potentially include information or facts associated with the job title or industry while writing your letter. This will not only help you make a relevant letter but also increase your chances of answering some questions in the interview.

· Target job – Read cautiously the description of the job you are interested in before composing your letter. Basically, there are significant skills and experience required to be qualified for the job. If you are highly qualified, be sure to showcase the skills that make you stand out so you’ll be ahead of the pack.

· Heading format – Composing a cover letter heading for hard copy is usually different from an online version. In a paper version, proper line spacing and address is required, however, in an online version, date is necessary as well as the previously mentioned information.

· Body– In writing your letter, make sure that you say the job position you are applying for. If required, you can add information on how you became aware of the job position. In the body, you should mention your qualifications and express your interest for that particular job. Also, don’t forget to tell the employers how you can contribute and why they should take you.

· Request for further action –This part of the body is highly important to success. The main role of the request is to say your availability for a possible job interview. While writing a letter, express that you are counting forward to meeting with the employer or hiring manager. Also, while writing a cover letter take the opportunity to give thanks the hiring manager for their time and consideration.

· Complimentary close ­– Composing a letter with complimentary close is important. In this part of the letter, you can use “Best Regards” or “Sincerely”. Keep in mind that while composing your letter, that your letter must sound professional and informative. This will tell if you are well educated and extremely qualified.

Author's Bio: 

Landon Long is the founder of You can download his FREE "Resume Rebel" Video Course to learn how to write a resume and stand out in a slow economy.