You Got to Give to Get: What do potential clients really “hear” when you communicate with them whether it is online, offline, in person, or on the phone? What message do they take away from your website, service offerings, products, or your “get acquainted” phone consultation?

Being in business of selling services is based on your knowledge and expertise (non-tangible) such as career coaching and resume writing. Sure, your service offerings may include tangible items such as downloadable products/resources, client project worksheets, etc. BUT those tangible items are not the main or real reason why people hire you.

Your potential clients are interested in the value you have to offer them as their career coach or resume writer. They are interested in your expertise in the “careers” industry and seek results from the work you do together while at the same time develop a professional relationship, which they also value because they know they can rely on you when it comes to career-related issues or questions.

There are thousands of career professionals to choose from and people are becoming desensitized to the myriad of advertising plugs and wary of bonus offers, upsells, and additions. People are looking for authenticity; right now THAT is what people value.

Giving More Makes Sense

Given the increased competition in the job market, we as career experts emphasize that job seekers communicate and demonstrate their value to attract attention of potential employers for companies they want to work for, which needs to be displayed in their resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, or any other career related document.

As a career service business owner, the same rule applies you except you are the candidate or job seeker trying to attract the attention of job seekers who in turn play the role of employers.

Circumstances differ for each job seeker, but it’s my guess that the majority of them are feeling strapped and worried. Job seekers are being very cautious about where they spend their money and why many will take the time to do their homework to make an informed decision. As a result, they are able to determine who they deem qualified and worthy of making the financial investment to work with a career expert.

People buy products and services they perceive to be the most valuable, which is why you absolutely have to maximize the perceived value of what you offer. But, you also need to support yourself and your family. And, you don’t want to “give away the store” to prove your point either. So what do you do?

3 Ways to Give More WITHOUT Emptying Your Wallet / Breaking the Bank

    1: Look for resources/items that you can add on to your products and services that won’t cost you much but are still very valuable. It could be a special report, check list, downloadable ebook, guide or companion CD.

    2: Use your network. Connect with someone who has a complementary business that serves your target market, and ask if they would be willing to contribute an additional product or service to your offering. It’s a win-win situation since they’ll get exposure to your network of potential clients and clients, and you get the additional value for your offer.

    3: Add perceived value of your product or service by including testimonials or case studies. It’s likely potential clients can relate to having similar challenges and circumstances and they can admire the achievements of others who worked with you—social proof.

When you consider ways to amp up the perceived value of what you offer, put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. Is there something about your product or service that you take for granted, but that others find valuable? If you’re not sure, survey satisfied clients.

Author's Bio: 

Maria E. Hebda, CCMC -- Connect, attract, and nurture … the cornerstone for creating a thriving business of ideal clients!

The Career Experts is a resource-driven career network, bringing together dedicated job seekers with a select group of certified career coaches and certified resume writers. We're the only career network that guarantees its member coaches and writers are verified and approved certified, helping job seekers connect with top-notch career service professionals.

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