Most people are extremely bad at time management skills but deceptively think that they are in total control of their time. The deception is that they do not have an accounting system that tracks their time that measures their goals whether big or small. It’s probably safe to assume that most people only accomplish forty percent of what they set out to go for a given period of time. If you want to validate this point just write down all the things you want to accomplish in one week at on Sunday, put the list out of sight then look back at list at end of week and you will see what you have truly accomplished and it will surprise you. They say that that time is money and I say money is time if you look at that way your time will be really precious. Time is a valuable commodity which is defined in Webster’s as - something of use, advantage, or value and is a concept that very few people can apparently grasp. This is because time is deceptive being that most people do not have a sufficient accounting system to monitor the time they spend during their lives, and most people will realize that in order to accomplish what they need to they will have to start looking into what is causing this problem of time management skills. The remedy is very simple but takes practice and discipline because the second you let your system down is the time that you will surely not accomplish your goals. You have to train your mind by starting to first distinguishing your priorities and rank them accordingly into these four categories:

Crisis – urgent and important
Trivia – urgent but not important
Focus – not urgent but important
Waste – not urgent and not important

And stick to the process of not only actually sticking to this system of taking care of accomplishing what needs to be done first and what can wait. This is exactly how MOST people get off track and end up with only forty percent of goals accomplished at end of week. You will also have to be good at and develop the discipline to be able to say no to people or situations that will either slow your progress or steal your time (this seems to be BIG issue with most people). Learning to say no to people or situations will certainly add a good healthy 25% back to your time management. It will take a while for you to be able to train my your mind to be able to prioritize your time management skills and it is suggested that you start with a good chart system and disciple to monitor your progress and will be surprised how time management will improve your life!

Author's Bio: 

Steven Stasczak is a motivational speaker who facilitates professional speaking training and team building events/workshops. He spent his earlier career as a top business to business sales manager before beginning coaching and training around the U.S. professionally. His areas of expertise includes developing effective public speaking workshops and helping individuals overcome fear of public speaking. He also performs and facilitates leadership training , time management workshops and fun team building activities to align your team in the workplace