I, Alison L. James, am an author, metaphysical teacher and speaker, a channel and spiritual counselor, a healing facilitator and ascension energy anchor. Born and raised in England, I reside in New York City where I have pursued my spiritual path for 20 years. As a seasoned Channel, I offer messages and counseling in concert with Master Merlin and the Ascended Masters within the Great White Brotherhood. Through the healing modalities I teach and practice, Rising Star, Prema Birthing, Crystal Therapy, ARCH (Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing) and other Merlinian energies, I offer a broad scope of spiritual practices and knowledge for inner transformation and spiritual growth to those seeking Self Realization and Ascension. As a Certified Crystal Healer, my crystal therapy experience is applied in my role as a crystal skull keeper and crystal bowl healing practitioner for healing of body, mind and spirit.
My personal journey, philosophy and mission are aggregated in my recently published book Merlin and The New Camelot: The Birth of Collective Christ Consciousness where I reveal man’s transition into the New Golden Age, The New Camelot. My role is to assist humanity’s shift to the fifth-dimensional paradigm of Unconditional Love and Collective Christ Consciousness.
Channel and Ascension Energy Anchor to Ascended Master Merlin and other Beings of Light
Teacher in the Great White Brotherhood
Rising Star Teacher and Practitioner
Prema Birthing Teacher and Practitioner
Certified Crystal Healer
Crystal Skull Keeper
Crystal Bowl Practitioner
Kahuna ARCH™ Advanced Practitioner
Kahuna ARCH™ Intuitive
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Reach me at: Alison@GoldenAgeofLight.com or through my website: www.GoldenAgeofLight.com.