It has taken me the first half of my life (that is all of it up to this point in time) to realize that I needed a Raison d’être (translation: a reason to be), which has nothing to do with what my family or employer wanted, but something that is my unique passion, and inspiration. I certainly had a passion when I was growing up (horses and ponies), but the years leading up to my own ‘midlife’ were lacking any significant inspiration for what I was doing and why I was doing it!
So along the way I gained a background and qualifications in Training and Development, whilst gaining my own experience of some of life’s transitions – some of them intentional and others unwelcome and unexpected – but all of them an opportunity to learn and grow (although they didn’t always feel that way at the time!)
Since you wouldn’t want to take take your computer to be repaired by a man who never used one himself, you probably wouldn’t consider talking to a life coach who hasn’t faced her own challenges of being a “woman of a certain age”. My coaching is specifically for women in midlife, and all of the complications that come with both, such as simply finding balance in everyday life and time to remember who you are and what you really want (your Raison d’être).
It took me a while to define my niche market, having initially worked on generic confidence and self esteem issues, but in both researching the subject and talking to friends and clients , I discovered my own “aha” moment when I realized I wanted to support women going through a transition – as that transition seems to hit us around the age of 40. Maybe that is why midlife used to be called the change? So why not let me support and encourage you to know yourself better and to face the issues that are preventing you from following your passion, and to take the steps towards success – smart steps!