I have always had a passion for fitness, but in the past couple of
years, I have really concentrated on my fitness and health quite
strongly and learned more than I ever thought possible about fitness. I
made some huge changes not only in my physical appearance, but also in
the nutrition aspect of my life. It was in discovering how much of a
difference I could make in my OWN life, that I decided I wanted to
teach others just how much of a difference they could make in THEIR
lives if they had the proper knowledge.
I am the author of The Fat Blasting Boot Camp Program. A 14 Week fat blasting workout program that will help you achieve all your fitness goals in less than 90 minutes per week!
I have a Personal Training Website: Building A Better U , where I provide in home personal training and online personal training. I also put on a Fitness Boot Camp Class outdoors.
My ultimate goal is to
help others achieve new heights with physical fitness. Many people
reach weight loss or other fitness related plateaus because of mental
blocks or character traits that are subconsciously sabatoging their
I hope to provide guidance and social
support and make fitness activity a part of people's lives to help improve their quality of life.
I have put together a Women's Diet and Fitness
website that provides weight loss and nutrition tips, fitness articles,
healthy recipes, fitness product recommendations and much more to help
women achieve healthy and successful weight loss.
You can also sign up for my newsletter at www.FatBlastingBootCamp.com and receive a FREE copy of "Fat Blasting Travel Workouts".
"Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievement."
~ Unknown
"If you do not change what you're doing today, your tomorrow will be no different than yesterday."
~ Unknown
"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but how we react
to what happens to us, not by what life brings to us, but by the
attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction
of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a Catalyst…. a spark
that creates extraordinary results."
~- Anonymous
I have put together a forum that will provide new ideas, support and motivation to all women! Come join us!
If you have any questions about nutrition, fitness or weight loss, you may contact me at womensdietandfitness@gmail.com.