Barbara Stanny, MA, has combined the lessons from her personal journey to financial enlightenment, a master’s degree in counseling psychology, and her background as a career counselor to create a new paradigm of money and power that has helped millions of women. Stanny is author of five books, including Secrets of Six Figure Women and Overcoming Underearning®.
Whether you're self-employed, an employee or a business owner Barbara will teach you how to uncover the attitudes and beliefs that have prevented you from playing the Wealth Building Game and give you the play-by-play on how to move past them to create the financial success you desire.
Come spend a full week-end with me! I am so eager to share my my brand new seminar, Sacred Success™
The retreat will be small, intimate, and extremely to a select group of 12 women.
What is Sacred Success™?
Sacred Success™ is the next step after Overcoming Underearning®
Sacred Success™ merges higher incomes with a higher calling
Sacred Success™ means doing your Soul's work (what you were put on this earth to do) for your own bliss and the benefit of others while being richly rewarded. Sure profit is important, but the primary goal of Sacred Success™ is not making money...the primary goal is achieving Greatness.
How is the retreat different from your other seminars?
The content is brand new, based on my eye-opening interviews with mega high earners. Believe me, the map for making millions is very different from the secrets to six-figures! The seed for this seminar was planted several years ago, after I set a new goal for myself - I wanted to earn millions. At the time, I just assumed the same process I used to overcome my underearning - the one I'd been teaching for 10 years - would take me to this next level. But when I started interviewing women who make millions, I realized I was wrong!
Here's what these women taught me:
Is this retreat for me?
If you can respond positively to any of these questions, you are a perfect candidate:
Here is what you will take away:
The weekend will be limited to only 12 women. Once these 12 spots are taken the registration will be closed. In order for me to provide you an intimate retreat it must be limited to 12 women. This allows you to receive more individual attention and personalized coaching from me.
Registration fee for this life-changing week-end with me is only $1,500.
Wealth doesn't come from what you make, but from what you don't spend. ~Barbara Stanny, Secrets of Six-Figure Women
Who we think we are stands in the way of who we want to be. The first step is conscious awareness: becoming aware of our beliefs in regard to money. Our money story is the script we've concocted that establishes our role with money. ~Barbara Stanny, Prince Charming Isn't Coming
Like it or not, your financial fate depends heavily on what you're willing to ask for, no matter how stellar your conduct, how vast your experience, or how impressive your credentials. ~Barbara Stanny, Secrets of Six-Figure Women
We ourselves must be transformed. That means enlarging our field of vision by thinking much bigger than we do now about how much more we can make, how much more we can do, and how much more we can be. ~Barbara Stanny, Secrets of Six-Figure Women
Revolutionizing Women's Relationship with Money
I want to personally commend you for the courage it takes to really look at your financial situation. I am dedicated to empowering women who are ready to revolutionize their relationship with money!
Women Deserve To:
My theory is that all the practical information about investing for retirement, negotiating a raise or changing your career is important, but not enough if your emotions, fears or attitudes keep you from taking action!
I've created a great collection of resources — books, CDs, seminars, coaching, this site itself — with these express intentions:
I've designed a unique and powerful three pronged approach to revolutionize your relationship with money, based on the Inner, Outer and Higher Work of Wealth.
This work will change your life!
Network With Barbara!
Barbara Stanny, Inc.
2023 E Sims Way
Suite 328
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Phone Us (9:30-5pm PST)
(360) 385-0600