Bill Nelson is an elite international sporting coach who has turnedhis knowledge of developing peak team and individual performance into aworld-class corporate consultancy, Total Performance Concepts Pty Ltd.
Bill’s wisdom on the science of motivation, performance coaching andteam building has been utilised by business organisations, defenceforces, the real estate and telecommunications industries, educationalinstitutions, local government, numerous businesses and elite sportingprograms throughout the world.
Major corporate brands including Canon, Panasonic and Ansett Airlines have called on Bill’s services on National and International advertising and marketing campaigns.
His business draws on his expertise and time as an Olympic coach who contributed to peak performances at both the Barcelona (1992) and Atlanta (1996) Games, world championships and other internationalcompetition.
He is a multi-award winning swim coach and former vice-president ofthe World Swim Coaches Association who has worked with the sport’sforemost performers in such academies as the world-acclaimed Australian Institute of Sport.
His ability to isolate the building blocks of peak performance wasrecognised by other sporting entities. From 1992-94, Bill served as anadvisor to the Australian Road Cycling Team and, during the mid-90s to2001, consulted to the premiership-winning SE Melbourne Magic and theVictoria Titans National Basketball League teams.
He has provided team-building and performance-enhancement servicesto Australian Football, Rugby League and Rugby Union clubs and teams.Bill is also a consultant to the National Rugby League Referees andMatch Officials and a member of the coaching and management team whichsteered the Sydney Kings Basketball team to the NBL crown in the2003-2004-2005 seasons.
In his capacity as a performance strategist to international boardsports company Billabong, Bill operates as a mentor to many of theleading professional surfers and skateboard riders on both the nationaland international men’s and women’s tours.His actions speak as loud as his words as evidenced by his ownpersonal sporting achievements, his role in the Sydney Olympic TorchRelay and his awarding of an Australian Sports Medal and theCommonwealth Sports Achievement Award.
Since the establishment of Total Performance Concepts in 2000 Billhas worked with over 650 major corporations including Westpac, Telstra,Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Stihl, Macquarie Radio Network,Optus, Procter and Gamble, AXA, AMP, Toyota, Goldwell, Flight Centre,Fairfax, Inchcape Motors, Billabong, Melbourne Business School and theNSW Dept of Education to improve performance, productivity, culture,synergy, efficiency leadership and enjoyment to develop and maximisetrue potential.
Once again where he has walked success continues to follow.
He is a great believer that any development should embrace thehappiness and well-being of both the individual and team in a mannerthat creates winning outcomes for career and family life.
To this end Bill finds ready support in his wife Joanne and three children, Jae, Elle and Kye.
To get started with your first dose of Bill's universe of knowledge and expertise. Visit
Postal address: P.O. Box 754, Charlestown, NSW, Australia, 2290
Office address: 20 Sherburn Place, Charlestown, NSW, Australia, 2290
International Phone: 61+2+4942 4987