As a spiritual seeker I have always been intrigued by the people who live their lives from the inside out. People who do not get pulled into an aimless life of always reaching for more, but instead create an authentic life in alignment with their true gifts, skills and talents. My goal is to provide high quality services and products to help you live a meaningful, purposeful, authentic, rich and rewarding life.
With over 20 years of experience, and research into how different people across diverse cultures live, I put together a system to help support people achieve their fullest potential while living with the challenges that are a normal part of modern day life. My services and products are designed to assist you in finding your own unique inner power and soul wisdom and take action towards the life you deeply desire. Know that you are worthy of attaining greatness.
At IndigoIntentions I use multiple modalities in helping my clients. I am a fourth generation clairvoyant, a Reiki Master/Teacher, a certified NLP Practitioner, Life Coach and Hypnotherapist. I offer personalized coaching as well as Angel and Tarot readings. In 2009 I became certified in Japanese Psychology specializing in Morita Therapy, Naikan and Kaizen techniques and methods.
I live in Austin, Texas and feel blessed that the Lone Star State has such long summers. Some of my favorite activities involve being around water. I love to Kayak Lady Bird Lake, or take my two dogs for a walk as the sun sets over Lake Austin. I appreciate and thoroughly enjoy living in the live music capital of the world.
If you are ready to elevate your life now, and let go of regrets and blaming yourself for not doing or being enough, then I encourage you to spend some time browsing through my website. I look forward to hearing from you.
"Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Purpose and laughter are the twins that must not seperate. Each is empty without the other." - Robert K Greenleaf
"The way to spend our precious time and energy wisely is to know the purpose for which we live and then to deliberately organize our lives accordingly." -Richard Leider
"Things live by moving and gain strength as they go." - Bruce Lee
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein