Author of the upcoming book Demystifying
Prosperity™: Why You Should Take a Serious Look at Network Marketing, Carl refers to himself as a network marketing evangelist. He has been a fan of Robert
Kiyosaki and Robert Allen for years, and both of them stress the need
to pursue sources of residual income, not just linear income as a job
would produce. He also advocates investing. Over the years he has had some success with stocks, commodities, and
real estate.
Carl loves to teach, and his protégés benefit from his varied experiences. Key to success, however, is a prosperity mindset, and that is what eludes the majority of people. So is a great place to get both aspects of training: technical training in whatever prosperity vehicle you wish to pursue, and personal development to prepare yourself for success.
In a former life Carl worked in IT as an application developer, database
administrator, and technical trainer. To this day he has an affinity
for harnessing the power of high-tech to facilitate the high-touch
nature of network marketing. After all, nothing takes the place of
voice-to-voice communication, but if people can't find your website,
how will they ever get a chance to call you and say hi.
Sign up for e-mail alerts on the progress of his book at:
Carl was interviewed on the radio in August 2008. You can download the 44-minute MP3 file by signing up for e-mail alerts at
"The Universe rewards action."
- Carl Eric Johnson
"Why settle for either/or when you can have both/and?"
- Carl Eric Johnson
If you are already in network marketing and are not having the success that you had hoped to have, a great place to go for training is Renegade University:
Ann Sieg's e-book, The Renegade Network Marketer, is also an invaluable resource:
Together, these resources will teach you how to attract highly qualified prospects to your business through social networking, a k a Web 2.0. That along with personal coaching from me should help you achieve the success that has eluded you so far.
And if you are not yet in network marketing, wondering which company to go with, then give me a call and I'll help you sort through the pros and cons of whatever you are looking at. Also, be sure to sign up for free e-mail notifications about the progress of my own book at:
Carl Eric Johnson
info AT
866-964-9025 ext 1 ~ toll-free (U.S.)
+1 978 299-6777 ext 1 ~ international