As a National Science Foundation Trainee, Carol earned a Doctorate in psychology from Penn State University. National Institute of Mental Health and American Philosophical Society grants followed and Carol published widely in distinguished journals including the American Journal of Psychology, Psychological Medicine, and Medical Hypotheses. Her book WHERE MEDICINE FAILS (1986, paperback edition 2009), acclaimed the authority in its field, became a driving force in the holistic health movement. Discovery of a feedback method of meditation, however, and the meditation breakthrough it produced, redirected Carol's life. A life of destiny began, devoted to teaching, testing and refining the method and to crafting enlightenment tests to guide readers to the grand prize. This culminated in 2009 with: STRAIGHT LINE MEDITATION: HOW TO RESTORE AWARENESS AND WHY YOU NEED TO by Carol E. McMahon, Ph.D. with martial arts Master Deac Cataldo. Carol is the author of THE PIG FAIRY and other stories in a forthcoming series: AWAKEN THE CHILDREN. She is married, has a daughter, holds eighth degree black belt Mastery in Karate, and makes STRAIGHT LINE MEDITATION available free of charge to retreat center and prison libraries.
"Unless you do something to improve your health every day, you will age."
Master Deac Cataldo