Catherine Divingian, PhD, is a professor and researcher of a wide range of eclectic sciences and disciplines, including physiological psychology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, analytical chemistry, mathematics, and biotechnology. She has conducted research in mammalian physiology and pharmacology, investigating diabetic neuropathy; oral hypoglycemics; beta-blockers; cancer pharmocognosy; molecular biology; liver binding kinetics; pulmonary and cardiac metabolites; mechanisms of stroke; and the systemic effects of morphine, cocaine, and aspartame. Formerly a Medical Service Corps officer in the US Navy, Dr. Divingian has specialized as a medical physicist, radiation health officer, radiology resident program coordinator, and medical laser safety officer. She is a Wiley Faculty Network Mentor, is on the editorial boards of Scientific Journals International and McGraw-Hill publishers, and has served as Chair of the Hampton Roads American Chemical Society. Dr. Divingian is an ABH certified Hypnotherapist and an ABTLT certified Practitioner of Time Line Therapy, as well as an ABNLP certified Practitioner and Coach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. She is also an ACE-certified Personal Trainer (CPT). Current projects include a book on kidney disease, supplement formulation, and fitness contests.