Chris Sutton has taken the key character elements from his lifetime as a serious Martial artist and fused them together with years of study in the areas of personal and business success, including but not limited to: goal setting, overcoming adversity, fitness and health, business success, personal finances, stress management, relationships, and public safety.
As both an experienced and dynamic public speaker and a successful author, he has spent many years helping people from all walks of life achieve their goals through an effective, commonsense approach. His work has been highlighted in many newspaper articles and TV programs.
He has personally started and developed many successful businesses, including a martial arts school, real estate investing, self-defense training, and business development consulting.
Author of:
*The Psychology of Self Defense
*Fight For Success Series :
How to Set and Achieve any Goal
Overcoming Adversity
Creating the Ultimate Body
*C.O.B.R.A Self Defense Training Manuals
Related Links
Summary of Additional Professional Qualifications:
"Weather you think you can or you think you can't- You are right"
I believe people in general are as successful as they choose to be. I have found that if you approch life like it's a 15 round championship bout, you will achieve far greater in this world than you would have otherwise.
Waiting for life, success and happiness to find you or to fall into your lap is and absolute waist of "life itself".
Thrive on what you have today and work harder than anyone you know because this is not a practice run- This is Life, make it the best you possibly can and settle for nothing else!
To achieve anything in this world, you have to have a wellfounded
desire to do it.
The best way to get started with Chris Sutton is via or
You can schedule an Ultimate Success Workshop, orrder Books or set up a seminar.
Free Chapter- Fight for Success- How to get what you want in life through setting and achieving GOALS
Desire is not the same as need. We need food. We need oxygen.
We need sleep. These are all things we need to survive. You
don't need a piece of chocolate cake. You can survive without
it. But you may desire that piece of cake enough to go to the
store or to a restaurant and get it. In that case, it was your
desire that motivated you to take action. You don't necessarily
need to sleep in until noon on Sundays, but you may desire to
do so, and you may choose to act on that desire.
Where does desire come from?
Desire comes from being open-minded. A desire comes from
wanting something that you don’t already have, or wanting to
expand on something you already have. In other words, desire
takes us beyond mere survival and provides us with the
motivation to get the things we want in life.
The three main steps to achieving any goal
I’m not going to bore you with the average “Step one: want the
goal; Step two; just make it happen.” You can’t just make it
happen. If you could, you wouldn’t be reading this book,
because you’d already be there.
Instead I'm going to give you three realistic steps to achieving
your goals:
? You need intense desire
? You need positive, consistent action toward the
? You need to "lighten up"
Let's look at each one of these.
You need intense desire
You must desire it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Your desire
has to be so intense that it feels like a need.
Let’s say you’ve always wanted a red Corvette. You’ve wanted
one since you were five years old. But you’re 35 or 45 now, and
that dream has kind of gone out the window. Every time you
see one drive by you really like it, and you think about maybe
one day getting one. But who knows?
You just don’t have the desire. Not enough to motivate you to
do what it takes to get the brand new sports car of your
dreams. You can want all day long - and it will turn into
nothing all day long. You have to desire it.
Now, buying a shiny red Corvette probably isn't a good goal if
you’re making $5,000 a year and you have a lot of debt. Or if
you have 17 kids and only two cars in the family. So you have
to have checks and balances for your goals. But to get
anything, you have to have that intense desire.
You need positive, consistent action toward the goal
What are you doing to attain your goal?
There are two kinds of consistency when it comes to goal
setting: positive and negative.
Negative consistency would be if you never start that savings
account, never look into buying a new car, never create a
desire in the first place. That’s negative. You consistently do
Positive consistency means you're taking positive steps toward
getting that shiny red Corvette.
? You've started a savings account.
? You're looking at different banks for financing
? You're trying to decide whether to buy new or used.
? You're thinking about what options you want.
? You're finding out what kind of trade-in value you
have on your current vehicle.
These are examples of consistent positive steps.
Here is where it falls apart for most people. Consistency lasts
only as long as your attention span. And in today’s society,
with iPods, cell phones, and everything being available
instantly in our drive-thru society, guess what - it seems like
we can’t stay focused on anything longer than five minutes. At
the most we get a week or two out of a great idea.
If I want to get across this room right now, I have to stake one
step at a time towards the other side of the room, over and over
again until I get there. If I get half way there and get distracted,
if turn left or right, if I turn around and come back - I won't get
where I set out to go. Do you follow? I hope so. Consistency will
win with any goal.
Positive consistency has also been referred to by many
individuals as action steps. It's anything you do as an action
towards that goal.
Be aware that you can also have negative action steps. Goals
aren't always positive. If you take negative action steps over
and over, you’ll achieving a whole mess of negative goals.
You need to "lighten up"
Really, you do have to lighten up when it comes to goal setting.
It's not the end of the world if you don’t get it tomorrow. It's not
the end of the world if you set a goal and then fail repeatedly
before you get it. You have to think like a child. You really have
to lighten up.
I remember being a five or six year old. I wanted some of the
most simple things in the world, but they were such a big deal
at the time. Maybe it was a new GI Joe action figure, or maybe
I wanted to stay up late and watch something on TV. Whatever
it was, it was such an intense desire, and I worked to get it
with positive consistency. “Mom, can I get this? Can we do
this? I really want this!” And that was really in my heart at the
time. But I also knew how to lighten up and enjoy life.
I wasn’t a bitter, jaded, day-in-and-day-out adult who didn’t
know how to be creative. Many adults are, for the most part,
very uncreative. They're struggling and moping through life.
They wake up and pour enough coffee down their throat just to
get to work. Then they make it through work, and they make it
home, only to get ready for the next day when they do it all
over again.
When your life becomes like that, you lose desire. You lose
consistency. And you don’t know how to lighten up and enjoy
There's another whole book in this series in which we go much
farther into how to lighten up and enjoy life. For now,
remember that you have to have desire, you have to have
positive consistency, and you have to lighten up and not
take yourself so seriously.
If you do those things, you will accomplish any goal you set.
You just have to believe in that.
Train to become a Black Belt in every area of you Life.