I have worked in the field of personal development for around 15 years. Having started my career in teaching, and then working as a professional actress for 20 years in London and New York, communication, not just with others, but how we communicate with ourselves, has always been my passion. I work with a variety of agencies, Nationwide, in such areas as Anger, Stress, Working with young people who present with anger, Confidence, and Assertiveness. I was recently the Stress Management Consultant in Channel 4's Celebrity Wife Swap. My colleague Julie Mann, who I met at Drama School in the late 80's, and I have set up a company WEIGH OUT, www.weighout.co.uk which is a weight loss and body image programme without dieting, using EFT and a "Lose weight without dieting", CD written and recorded especially by Julie. We love to work with groups of people who want to explore their relationship to food and themselves. With diets causing so much stress and disappointment, we are committed to offering a powerful, highly effective alternative that can transform not only our relationship to our body, but the deeper relationship to ourselves as well.
Given that diets are all about deprivation and strict rules, is it any wonder that the majority of diets fail long term, and that evidence suggests that you are more likely to gain further weight when you come off the "regime"?
"I am doing really well with my regime," said Fran, a long life dieter, "And then, ‘it' happens. I am upset, or angry or something that I cannot put my finger on and I reach for the food. And of course bang goes my diet. AGAIN. And then I feel so ashamed. AGAIN." This ever-frustrating experience with dieting and overeating, dieting and overeating, is a common occurrence for many individuals that we at Weigh Out Ltd. encounter in our work everyday. Emotions drive our eating habits, and no amount of eating or dieting, can satisfy us on an emotional level. That emotional side of eating is never addressed with diets. It is a bit like covering up the cracks on the outside of your house, only to find that when there is a heavy downpour, the rain has seeped in again and is causing the building to collapse.
EFT can really address some of the anxieties that may be causing us to overeat and can transform the way that we approach food and ourselves.
You can get a really good idea of my work from both of the websites that I currently feature on, www.cicicollins.co.uk and www.weighout.co.uk The Weigh Out courses are now running regularly and we are continually looking at ways to get this highly effective, simple, easy to learn technique, out to as many people as possible. The courses are having a profound impact on not only those who have emotional eating habits but also those who have eating disorders. We are also finding that many of our clients are making all sorts of other wonderful decisions that before the course did not seem possible. Jules has recorded a very effective and massively popular "Weight loss" CD which can be bought from her website www.juliemann.co.uk. We also provide all participants with a weekly Smart message, to assist them on their journey.