Based in Sedona, Holistic Health Practitioner/Reiki Master Teacher, Cynthia Tierra, works with the whole person, mind, body, and spirit to eliminate suffering by identifying and releasing the underlying causes. She offers a combination of healing techniques not available from any other source.Gentle, healing energy helps awaken the spirit within you.
Services: Healing in person or distance, Reiki Training, Vortex Visits and Psychic Readings. All services available individually or in combination. Choose the services you desire. Experience a healing treatment unlike any other. Learn Reiki, a healing technique you can take home and use. Visit a vortex and feel the energy. Get a reading for guidance in your life.
Want to expand your consciousness? You could spend hours surfing the web for spiritual information or gain immediate access to important spiritual information. You can receive regular emails with lessons on spiritual topics. Lessons in Light are a series of twelve lessons. The information and actions in these lessons took years of working as a healer to acquire. In each lesson, you learn abnout a spiritual concept and practical actions you can apply in your daily life. Learn how to manifest your dreams. Progress on your spiritual path through understanding and improving your relationships. Use spiritual tools to make your journey through life easier. Gain better health, peace of mind and the happiness you deserve.
My intent is to help people to grow and progress on their spiritual paths.
I offer take home healing techniques that can be learned in one hour.
Three of these techniques are; Manifest Your Dreams, Breath of Life Centering and Universal Healing Meditation.
Manifest Your Dreams
Discover how to easily and effortlessly manifest your dreams. Use simple techniques to create what you want in life. You can be happy, healthy and prosperous. Become empowered. Practice a very simple Manifestation Meditation. Balance and clear your energy to open up your creative power. Awaken your Divine Presence, Divine Power and creative energy
Breath of Life Centering
Are you distracted by your thoughts when you try to meditate?
Reach a relaxed state using an ancient breathing technique. This technique requires just a few minutes of your time and is very simple. Bring yourself into a quiet meditative state easily and effortlessly.
Universal Healing Meditation
Escape from your stress.
Enter into a deep meditative state. Purify and cleanse your energy. Release your fears and concerns. Become one with all creation. Connect with Source energy to heal universally. This meditation is a very powerful tool for healing yourself and others. Use it regularly and see the results.
I also wrote a booklet, Vortexes, an informal guide from a spiritual perspective This publication gives lots of information about Sedona vortexes, including their locations, and is available by request via email for a nominal fee.
For further information on my services and products visit:
We are all here for a Divine purpose. Life is about Love. All experiences are for learning and growing in a loving way, personally and spiritually. There are many changes going on right now individually and on a planetary level. Adjusting to these changes can be a challenge. No matter what is happening, your life is in Divine Order. You choose your life direction. All things are possible. Some are just more probable than others. I can help guide you along your everyday spiritual path, to help you understand the choices you make and the possibilities for new choices. If you are seeking absolute answers, there are none. Look into your heart and choose wisely.
To learn about my services, visit my web sites: or Or call (928) 284-0092 E mail me at