Have you been struggling to find the 'secret' of making someone like you, love you and want you?
Perhaps you have difficulty trusting having been betrayed in the past.
Maybe you get bogged down with guilt that makes you withdraw from relationships.
Have you exhausted all your efforts and now feel let down, desparate and angry that time is running out?
If you have read the books, listened and listened again to the CD's, podcasts and radio/TV talk show experts, but haven't found it easy to implement the advice, you are right to be frustrated and annoyed with the waste of money.
Relationships work when you have the experience of a good secure and consistent one yourself. That gets your brain pathways to recognize what is genuine and what works for you. You can't learn it just from books or shows.
You need the one on one interaction that jump starts that process. That's where I come in and help you build the foundation that is crucial for you to be able to use it in all areas of your life. You practice the skills of interaction and managing emotions when things don't go well, so that you become your own expert. Then you have the tools you need to manage and enjoy relationships at work, with family, friends and partners.
Read some client stories and discover what you could gain.
Dr. Jeanette Raymond is a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist. She has a doctorate in clinical psychology and a masters degree in child, adolescent and educational psychology. She has 25 years experience working with adults, couples, adolescents, children and families. She is the author of several articles, including managing relationship stress, the healing power of dreams, dealing with conflict, healthy and unhealthy anger, emotional problems and weight management, stress and anxiety showing itself in the body, chosing partners, intimacy problems in relationships.
Dr. Raymond writes a blog giving relationship tips twice a week. One is an article and one a videolog. Sign up and get the tips for free.
Join my dream group meeting one evening a week. Call 310.0985.2491.
Anger and stress management workshops for corporations that care about their staff.
Call for details. 310.985.2491
There is nothing so fulfilling as a secure and stable relationship that you can rely on. It is also the most difficult thing to create and keep. Trying to make relationships work can be very stressful and put you off.
You can learn how to go from fear and frustration to fulfilling relationships by figuring out what gets in your way and finding some solutions that allow you to communicate in a clear and inviting manner while feeling worthwhile and lovable when you interact with my quizzes, listen to my audios, and read my blogs.
Relationship Tips
1. Audio tips on relationship stress
2. Audio tips on managing conflict in relationships
3. Audio tips on creating comfortable intimacy
4. Audio tips on using emotions to connect
Read and subscribe to the relationship tips blog based on real life stories and up to date research
Quizzes that give you a personal profile of your style of relationship and tips on improving your relationship skills
1. Relationship Sabotage test and find out if your relationship style gets in the way of your happiness.
2.Take the Conflict quiz and discover if your way of dealing with relationship conflict works in your favor.
3.Take the Intimacy Quiz and get some insight into your comfort level with intimacy.
4.Take the Anger Quiz to find out what triggers your anger and if you cope in ways that benefit you.
Phone: 310.985.2491
e-mail: drjeanette@drjeanetteraymond.com
website: West Los Angeles Psychotherapy For Relationship Problems