I was born in the summer of 1955, in a Soddy on the Great Plains, in the …oh wrong story.
My friends call me they call me Robin, Dr Robin, the Blindguy and Dr Blindguy.
I am married to Kathy and have four grown daughters out of the house (20, 21,30 and 31) and a granddaughter 14 and a grandson 6 years old, that live with in Iowa City, Iowa.
“Dr. Robin”, the well known Radio personality is an Eagle Scout and 24 year U.S. Army and Army Reserves veteran. While still in the Army, he began building his Marketing world. He is a nationally recognized expert in the marketing business. Currently Building I SPY CIGARS. A retail cigar and smoking lounges.
Dr. Robin has been the host of several radio shows (KEN I, KDEF, KKIM, KQAK,). Did we forget to mention; he has done all of this in the past several years and Dr. Robin is blind? Dr. Robin is the current host of his radio show, "Networking with the Blindguy" with up to 4.7 million listeners.
ALso now "SMOKIN with the BOSS".
Nominated for an American Business Award (Stevie) 2005,2006,2007,2008, 2009,2010,2011, 2012
Nominated for an International Business Award (Stevie) 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2011,
In Marquis Who's Who in America for 12 years straight
Over 14.27 million connections in my LINKEDIN.COM Network
Holds the following, PhD in Accounting, MBA in Marketing, MS in Bio Chemistry, and several BA and BS degrees.
Now for the rest of the Story.
I enjoy a cigars and a couple a day. My dear wife said " if you want to keep that cigar vice either make money at it or lose it."
So out of that I SPY CIGARS was born.
Dr Robin Rushlo has been through many trials and ups and downs in his life.
He has pins in both ankles, both knees, right hip, an artificial right shoulder, a full metal plate in his head. He is 100% blind with only light perception in the right eye. He been 100% blind since January 2000. Without hearing aids he is 78% deaf. He uses adaptive software to surf the net and run his businesses. He has adaptive software that runs his cell phone and walking GPS systems.
Dr Robin has the motto "If the Blindguy can DO IT, anyone can!"
"Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
-- Winston Churchill, British prime minister
"If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business,
I would have started building a network marketing business."
Quote by Robert Kiyosaki
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
~ Muriel Strode
Dr Robin Rushlo
IM Blindguy55 Google Talk
IM Blindguy55 Skype