Eaglemoon’s initial response when asked to write a bio is,
“well basically, we come from love, we are love, and we will return to love -
love is all there is!" But, naturally, in a bio people want more
information about who's who, you go!”
Eaglemoon has studied and is currently a licensed Avatar®
Master. In addition, she has been trained as a Usui and karunaÒ Reiki
Master/teacher, a holographic healer, a guided self-healing practitioner, an
EFT practitioner, and a certified hypnotherapist. Although she has received certification in many modalities life
has been her greatest teacher to date.
When you put it all together, she calls herself a
She is the host of “What’s the Point” on WHUS - 91.7FM, in
Storrs, Connecticut. In 2006 she produced four journey CDS; Parenting ~
Surrender Step into the Flow, and Recreate Your Image, Self Love ~ Remember to
Love, and Teens ~ Your Masterpiece Your Life. She is the creator of the
six-week workshop "Unleash Your Power" and the four-week "Uncover
Your Financial Blueprint" workshop.
Eaglemoon also creates Customized Subliminal Hypnosis programs for performance enhancement of all types, cronic health conditions, life threatening illnesses, weight reduction, and for all areas of personal growth throughout the journey of life.
This is Eaglemoon in a nutshell, but of course, we are so
much more than what we do. And
remember, we are created a new in every moment, so who she is today isn’t who
she’ll be tomorrow.
In Peace!
"What's the Point" spiritual talk show from 5 to 7 am Wednesdays on WHUS 91.7 Storrs CT.
You may not be aware
that you are in a natural state of hypnosis much of your day; so why not take
advantage of this time to enhance and inspire your personal development as you
go about your day-to-day activities.
Hypnosis is a state of heightened awareness and an
amazing tool for personal transformation.
When hypnotized your conscious mind is quieted and your subconscious
mind is open and receptive. The
subconscious mind houses your memory, imagination and belief system and it
regulates your physiology. The subconscious
mind can be considered the conductor of your life’s symphony.
A Uniquely Yours CD is a customized subliminal
hypnosis program created specifically with your goals in mind. What are the benefits of listening to a
subliminal hypnosis CD? Firstly, since
hypnosis isn’t induced, your CD can be listened to as background music while
driving, cooking, exercising, or as you simply move about your life. Most people aren’t aware that they spend
much of their day in a natural state of hypnosis. For instance, whenever you are deeply relaxed or highly focused,
as when you are driving your car or searching the Internet, absorbed in a good
book, or when engrossed in a TV show, you are in hypnosis and your subconscious
mind is open to positive and helpful suggestions. By deliberately reprogramming your subconscious mind powerful
changes will occur in your life. Your Uniquely
Yours CD is designed to take advantage of this natural state of hypnosis
and to assist you with your transformation while going about your day-to-day
If you'd like additional information on how a Uniquely Yours Customized Subliminal Hypnosi program can support you with your life changes please refer to my website Feel free to email me at