Elizabeth Wallmann-Filley is an educator and healing practitioner, with more than 25 years experience in the fields of Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, and Life Coaching. She has given presentations and workshops in Europe and several large international conferences coast to coast. Elizabeth is an active member of the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (www.energypsych.org), the Institute of Noetic Sciences (www.noetic.org), and the International Association of Reiki Practitioners (www.iarp.org), as well as The American Counseling Association and The Hypnotherapist Union (Local 492). She is also a selected member of the Cambridge Who’s Who Registry. Elizabeth’s eclectic background includes Energy Psychology, Hypnotherapy and Regression, Reflexology, Reiki, Acupressure, and Philosophy of Religion. Elizabeth has produced several comprehensive CD’s for self healing, and is currently working on writing a book on Living in the Present. She is the host and producer of a local TV show: “Conscious Living”, airing at 9:00 PM on Channel 12, Tuesday and Saturday in the Anchorage, Alaska area.
Elizabeth Wallmann-Filley: 907-275-3397
Mailing address: PO Box 212494, Anchorage, AK 99721
Email: lizw@ak.net
FB: Elizabeth Wallmann-Filley and FB Page: Conscious Living