Erica Rock is a dynamic spiritual teacher and author that radiates Divine Grace. Her first awakening experience arrived at the age of six and has deepened and expanded since that time. Erica has been interested in health, healing and consciousness expansion her entire life. She has always had an innate knowing that the potential of the human being is tremendous and has sought to see how far she can go and how she can ignite others to awaken to their unlimited potential. One of her gifts is to spark the innate talents and abilities that are lying dormant within people so they can fully realize and live their life purpose
She holds a Bachelor's in Social Work, Doctor of Metaphysics and Holistic Healthcare Practitioner degree. She specializes in nutritional counseling. Helping people to live more healthy and joyful lives through proper nutrition that is right for their unique body and lifestyle.
Erica has been noted as a “free spirit” by her family and friends and has always paved her own path. She enjoys experiencing life to it's fullest and exploring life to learn for herself what is true. She had been guided very early on not to read many spiritual books but to instead, learn directly from the presence and through direct experience and strongly supports her clients in this endeavor as well.
Erica is highly intuitive and shares with clients profound wisdom, insight and clarity.
People awaken to who they truly are, freeing themselves of everything that is not really them so people live from a place of peace, love, freedom and joy.
What Erica is most passionate about is assisting people in having direct experience of the divine presence within. Not only having that direct experience but bringing all challenges and struggles to the presence and discovering expanded resources, deeper peace and innate wisdom in which to move through life more gracefully. This is full empowerment.
From the years of my quest for enlightenment, awakening, practical life fulfillment and the end of seeking and suffering it lead me to opening fully to Divine Grace and gaining the ability to transmit Grace Blessings to others and Initiate people to give Grace Blessings
I have never seen such radical transformation in my own life and the lives of others after I aligned myself with this energy and have assisted others in doing so.
Most people are living a life that is not who they truly are. They have bought into the false premises and limiting beliefs from their family and ancestry, schooling, community and society at large. Most of what you believe is not even true, you’ve taken it on as true because you just didn’t know any other way. Let me show you the way, the path, back to who you really are ~ I will give you a clue, you knew when you were little!
Do you have feelings of powerlessness, overwhelm, disconnection, dissatisfaction, or a sense that something is missing? When the ordinary and mundane no longer satisfy, your Soul is calling you to discover the True you, your authentic self and get in the flow of life and Grace. Life is meant to be easy for you and abundant in all ways
If a life of ease and flow sound too good to be true and you have yet to experience that, I have a treat for you. Ease, flow, enlightenment, abundance, perfect health, harmonious relationships, unlimited creativity, a loving heart, expanded awareness, increased finances are ALL your birthright!
The Creator is always emanating Light, Life, Grace, Love, Wisdom, Power and Great Blessings upon all of us. If you are desiring to open to the Blessings that are trying to come to you in each and every moment, that is what Grace Blessing transmissions do, they open you up to receive, receive, receive in each and every area of your life!
whether you are wanting to resolve relationship issues,
improve finances or health
spark your enlightenment or go deeper into your spiritual journey as this energy quickens your pace
find inner peace
more love and joy
focus or
harness your unlimited creative potential
you can
live a life of purpose on purpose with conscious deliberate creation with the greatest EASE you’ve ever known. Grace does 90% of this for you. We teach you how to stay in the flow and master the Art of Allowing. The art of allowing is your 10% to a life of joy and unlimited bliss.
Grace Blessing Sessions~ Spiritual Enlightenment
AND Practical Life Fulfillment
FOR~ Personal Happiness, Inner Peace, Relationships, Health, Finances, Joy, Emotional/Mental issues resolve with ease, increase manifestation capacity, heart expansion~ feelings of love for self and others, increased & expanded awareness of life
Grace Blessings spark your spiritual enlightenment. Lifelong issues, hurts, traumas and abuse memories resolve or disappear. Suffering ends. Worry and anxiety about past or future loses its hold. People stop struggling with money, attract employment, relationships resolve. People report miraculous results in every area of life. Your life improves naturally as your awakening continues. As you get in the flow of life and allow Grace to carry you, you feel happier, more hopeful and joyful inside, and your outer world begins to reflect the new inner found peace and tranquility.
All Grace Blessing sessions with Erica are Divinely guided and each is it’s own unique and magical experience as no two sessions are alike. Each session concludes with a Grace Blessing where Erica rests deep within the Divine Presence and powerfully transmits Pure Divine Grace. Your job is to let go and allow the Divine to carry you.
Grace Blessing sessions or workshops: How to get the most benefitThis is the place of unlimited possibilities and the infinite love supporting the highest potential in the human being. The mind cannot comprehend this pure potential, it comes to us as a tangible direct experience that can instantaneously set us free from old patterns, programming and limiting beliefs.
The Divine energy itself decides what we will be given and when, and this gift often greatly exceeds what our mind’s asked for, Source has the capacity to reestablish our health, manifest our highest dreams, hopes, aspirations and desires.
Our minds are designed to question, label, categorize, break down and organize information. To achieve our goals, we take action to achieve our dreams. This method is linear. Erica is a conduit for Source energy that is not governed by linear time and space, and it instead unifies us beyond the limitations of the mind. It lifts us through experience and feeling alone, where instantaneous change can occur that flows into our bodies and lives to create a new world for ourselves.
Through the silent Grace Blessing transmissions Erica is anchored in this limitless energy, and her absolute knowing and trust of it offers us the strength and courage we need in these rapidly shifting times to rediscover and reawaken it in ourselves.
Set your intentions and goals in Grace Blessing sessions, (The Divine already knows your hearts true desires), come child-like, innocent and free from your mind’s need to know the details of how it is all going to play out. Make your wish, let go and feel in that moment the peace and oneness of your group dynamic in that session.
A feeling holds vast power, more than words can explain. This is why people can experience miraculous physical healing take place, fresh perspectives on life or a radical shift in their world view made more life supportive and open. Latent gifts and talents can be awakened and relationships set right.
Bring photos of loved ones, family, children and pets to Grace Blessings sessions. Many find those they seek help for are positively affected. Miracles occur in this fashion as well.
A way to calm the mind in a Grace Blessing session is to take a strong intention from within, saying ‘Yes!’ to this experience, whatever that may be, the Divine will decide, so you come open as a little child, to all possibilities.