Eva is passionate about her call into subtle energy exploration. A Chemical Engineer by education and profession, Eva uses her rational and analytical left part of her brain always questioning and looking for the answers. The right intuitive part of her brain tunes easily into the subtle energy field from which Reiki Energy brings healing, and from where some times answers to her questions arrive.
She explores and progresses in such fields as channeling, sound therapy, reflexology, and energy medicine. She is a physical empath and easily relates to client's pain, feeling it in her own body.
Reiki Energy made a big impact on Eva's health and life. For many years, she suffered from severe Arthritis. It became so painful that she was unable to hold a pen or lift a cup of tea. Arthritis also affected her back and her hips. She tried everything to stop the pain. She saw traditional experts in the field and alternative methods: everything from acupuncture to the cortisone shots. But, she was still in pain. After being attuned to the Reiki energy she passionately started channeling energy to all who wanted to be experimented on. The miraculous healings started showing up. Eva soon became pain and Arthritis free. She soon realized that she was an Intuitive Healer who can skillfully use different frequencies of healing energy of Reiki for the highest good.
Eva is a Reiki Master in three healing modalities. There are the original Usui Shiki Rayoho, Karuna, and Kundalini Reiki healing systems.
Eva volunteers her services at the INOVA Life with Cancer Center in Fairfax, Va and serves our wounded soldiers at the Bethesda Hospital in Maryland.
Although she established her healing practice in 2006 her Reiki Wisdom Sanctuary in Fairfax quickly became a known place for its healing, balancing energy and Eva's compassionate attitude. Reiki Wisdom offers energy healing sessions, Reiki classes on all levels and variety of workshops. Once a month, a group of conscious creators manifest their desires using Reiki energy and studying principles of the Law of Attraction. Eva teaches also the principles of the Sedona Method, intuitively using the appropriate frequencies of the Karuna Reiki to help her students in their effort to release painful emotions in order to lead a joyful life.
Eva is also a skillfull Web Master (www.websitefororg.com) and her website www.reikiwisdom.us can be easily found with the appropriate keywords; therefore her free distance Reiki energy service is successfully used by people from quite remote locations. Animals also benefit from Eva's distance healing.
The quickest course about the subtle bodies, chakras and meridians is at:
Spring 2009 Reiki I, II, III and Master course classes are being scheduled. See at: http://www.reikiwisdom.us/classes.html, and register early.
My favorite affirmation is: I am here only to be truly helpful, totally guided and protected. I serve myself and others for the highest good. I feel totally connected to everything and everyone. I am a conduit of healing energy, God's energy. So it is.
We are living in the Abundant Universe.
Reiki comes from an unlimited supply and does not fear competition. I always pray:
"Guide me and balance me so I can be of a greater service to others."
I believe that I will attract clients who are right for me. Others will attract clients who are right for them.
Please read facts about Reiki and the Reiki Wisdom services from the website at www.reikiwisdom.us.
Best contact with Eva is by sending an appointment form with a selected service and an ample of time of the client's availability. The response will arrive within 24 hours.
Eva can be also reached by phone: 703.474.0055 or e-mail at eva@reikiwisdom.us
Reiki Wisdom is in the City of Fairfax, VA. There is an easy access by metro and Cue Bus system. Plenty of parking space for private cars is available. Address is given when appointment is made.
It is during times of difficulty (present economical instability) that Reiki is needed the most. People come for sessions to release stress and improve their ability to solve problems that come from difficult economic times. People are also taking more Reiki classes so they can give themselves treatments along with family and friends, or even create a new source of income by starting their own professional Reiki practice. Not only can Reiki provide a solution to our own problems, we can also use it to help others do the same!