Friar Ted Klein holds a B.A. in Political Science, a M.S. in Counseling, ordination in World Christianship Ministries, and has produced the independent spiritual romantic melodramatic film "The Living Years". He also works in retail sales.
He is not a real "Friar" (ordained monk in the Catholic tradition) but he does play one on the Internet.
Actively Christian since age 13 in 1975, Ted was raised Christmas & Easter Catholic until age 8, when his family started attending the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church in which he grew in his own faith in Christ. He has also been involved in interchurch Charismatic ministry, a Manifest Sonship group, The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, the John Birch Society & various Christian conservative organizations.
However, he had maintained consistent membership in his local (Southern Indiana) Assembly of God since 1984.
In spite of his theological gallivanting, Friar Ted insists he is not a flake, though he acknowledged that he is a Pisces, which is pretty much the same thing.
His patron saint is C.S. "Jack" Lewis, author of the Narnia series, "Mere Christianity", "The Great Divorce", "Till We Have Faces" and much more. He has a nostalgic appreciation of Hal Lindsey, whose 1970s books, starting with "The Late Great Planet Earth" jumpstarted his Christian commitment, though his End-Times-Prophecy views are 90% historic Premillenialist, 5% Rapturist, 5% Preterist Postmillenialist. The Revelation is his favorite book of The Bible.
Other favorite authors include libertarian thinker Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Anthem), Catholic conspiracy-buff Taylor Caldwell (Dear and Glorious Physician, Captains and the Kings), southern Catholic existentialist Walker Percy (Love in the Ruins, Lancelot, The Second Coming), Bram Stoker (Dracula) and Mary Shelley (Frankenstein).
Favorite movies overall are- It's A Wonderful Life, The Bride of Frankenstein, A Clockwork Orange.
"After all is Completed, Jesus is All that will Be and All that will Be is Jesus."~ A paraphrase from Dame Julian of Norwich's Shewings of Divine Love
"You may pray for the Rapture and prepare for the Tribulation, but always adore Christ & care for others, and in doing so, strive for the Kingdom."
"In Jesus, Creator & Creation both undergo death, rebirth & reconciliation."
"In the End, all who will be saved will be saved. All who won't still will not escape the unfailing Love of God- they will just hate it. We may hope that no one ends up in that company."
"This is the Essence of the Good News:
The Incarnation- God/Jesus is with us.
The Atonement- God/Jesus wipes out our sins.
The Resurrection- God/Jesus gives us Eternal Life.
The Holy Spirit- God/Jesus guides us by The Spirit inside us & the Bible, The Church & Creation outside us.
The Kingdom- God/Jesus reign above us & in us & is bringing that Reign to Earth forever."
~The Christian Faith of The Golgothic Grove & The Sangrael Circle~
Yahweh God is Creator, Word & Love aka Father, Son & Spirit forever.
Jesus joins together Creator & Creation in His life, death, resurrection & reconciliation.
God's Love/Wisdom is His Spirit (LifeBreath), our Mother, Who grows us into God's children, His Daughter Church, Christ's Bride.
Every attribute of Yahweh God and all of Creation is rooted in and flows from the Love of the Trinity, Who is the Lover and the Beloved and the Love between Them.
God's Word comes, in this order, as Jesus, the Bible, the Church, every person, all Creation.
We're all God's children- some of us more messed up than others, but God loves us all anyway.
The Bride Church invites all to learn God's Word, eat Christ's Feast, breathe Holy Spirit.
Our faith in God/Jesus is no greater than our treatment of others.
Live for Jesus as much as you can and trust Him to take you where you can't.
In the End, the hateful & petty will concentrate against those of good will, who will concentrate around Jesus. Jesus will return to bring peace, justice & love forever.
All who can be saved will be saved as we plunge into the Fire of God's Love and Justice. Those who will not open to God will experience His Fire as Hell, while even we who open to love and trust Christ will endure blessedly painful cleansing to enter His fullness.