I am a new comer to the field of expressing oppenions and observations as advice. I've spent the last 20 years, or so in more reflective, near hermit - like endevors.
I don't have much to say about myself. I am a laborer by occupation, a linguist by education, and a philosopher by personality. I had a very active, and progressive young adulthood. I've been an ambulance crew chief, a poliece officer, a Marine Seargent, a diplomat, a Naval Air Crewman, a translator, a management trainer, an international Rugby star, an aspiring theologian, a cabbage, and a king. I've been a lot of places, done a lot of things, met a lot of people, and eaten a lot of food.
The abridged version from all of this and my motivation for reaching out to you is that I've learned something. What I've learned is that you are spectacular, a very special, and dynamic organism. I'm not sure if anything I say to you will help you in your business, or draw mass fortunes to your porch. What I would like to convey to you is that you are a captain cast off on an adventurous voyage, and you tell the vessel where to go.
I've always known that humans are a functionary, and organ of the Cosmos. Carl Sagan described this function as a means for the Cosmos to gaze back on its self. Humans are an organ for the Cosmos to examine its self. I tend to believe this hypothesis.
I also tend to believe that the Cosmos will bend over backwards to reward you with whatever it thinks you want. However, the Cosmos ignores whims, passing desires, and flights of fancy. Brian Tracy sums it up by professing that you are what you think about, most of the time.
Guard your thoughts. Be vigilant. Guide your thoughts toward that table you want to sit. The Great Buddha, Prince Siddhartha Gautama, left us with a holistic approach to this endeavor, in the guise of The Nobel Eight Fold Path…
Correct Understanding
Correct Intention
Correct Speech
Correct Action
Correct Occupation
Correct Effort
Correct Awareness
Correct Concentration
… and, always remember, you are spectacular.
Currently, the best way to get started with me is to read my personal and spiritual development blog at http://geraldhenthorn.wordpress.com/ .