I am Geralyn St. Joseph, a psychic intuitive who helps people reconnect with Spirit. All the services I offer are geared toward helping you achieve a greater awareness of your place in the world and your effect upon it. Services include Spiritual guidance, couple's guidance, psychic readings, negative statement release, motivational speaking and instruction for better communication in all relationships.
I combine my metaphysical talents with my education to offer different spiritual guidance services; ranging from couple's guidance to business consulting. I have a BA in Communications with concentrations in Law and Psychology.
I have been reading for others since age 11, and have offered my services professionally since 1994. My client base spans the mainland from my hometown of Philadelphia, PA to Los Angeles, CA. I offer my readings and guidance by phone and in-person; and my classes by Internet for my long distance or time challenged clients.
I am a highly effective motivational speaker, delivering talks on various subjects. Seminars and Classes include: Intuitive Tarot, Completing the Circle - Path to Self Empowerment, Power of Gemstones, Living from the Heart Series and more!
"True insanity is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different result" Albert Einstein
The best way to get started is to just make the commitment and dive in! Don't hesitate, don't worry about not being ready, you're ready. It is never too late, and never too early to start being happy and successful. Check out my websites, listen to my podcasts and contact me. Start where you are! It's time.
I look forward to meeting you soon. Blessings! Geralyn
Aloha! Contact Me
Geralyn St. Joseph
808 261-7866 text or talk