Halli is a Self-Actualization Coach, a professional level Kripalu Yoga Teacher, a Meditation Teacher in the yogic tradition, and a writer of mindful living.
Book Release: Yoga in America: A compilation of 46 yoga teachers/practitioners across the nation. Halli Bourne's essay called "I Walk On In Profound Joy" is included. Copies can be purchased at Lulu.com.
Two hand-drawn postcards, "Change" and "Into Spring", each depicting a stylized tree comes in packages of 4. See my retail page at www.trueselfwellness.com.
Five original pen & ink prints of "The Muses", each a provocative expression to beautify your home or to give as a gift. See my retail page at www.trueselfwellness.com.
And the day came when it became more painful to remain tightly closed in a bud than the risk it took to bloom. ~Anais Nin
True Self Actualization Coaching© is a goal-oriented, organic method of self-mastery to reveal the Truth of who you are in order to design a fulfilling life. True Self Actualization Coaching© accesses the wisdom set forth by Patanjali in Yoga Sutras, an eight-limbed system of self-actualization that reaches far beyond exercise. Yogic philosophy speaks of a metaphoric sleep we are lulled into by daily reality, evidenced by the limited and unexamined constructs of who we think we are. When these constructs are out of alignment with our True Selves, meaning and joy in our lives can elude us.
•The eloquent philosophy of yoga offers tools of stillness, breathing techniques and practices of self-awareness to awaken to the Truth of who we are. Central to these is the practice of witness consciousness, a method of pulling back from emotional reactivity to investigate our responses and our self-concepts intelligently.
•As we see ourselves more clearly, we increase our self-knowledge to develop the courage required to reach for what is meaningful in our lives. The more we understand our own thinking and what motivates our action or inaction, the more possible it becomes to move beyond the limitations of our thinking to strategize, take effective action and realize our expanded Self. Becoming familiar with our thoughts will reveal what habitually draws our focus empowering us to change them if they do not serve us.
•Self-mastery is achieved through expanding consciousness and acting with intention from our central core of Truth. At the heart of the True Self Actualization Coaching© Process is investigation; through questioning our assumptions, we expose where we have limited ourselves and the possibilities for a life lived from our most essential purpose.
Halli Bourne, True Self Wellness, www.trueselfwellness.com; trueself@trueselfwellness.com; (505) 249-4981
Only legitimate business contacts please. May you live in peace!