Heidi J. Kramer is a consultant and expert in writing, administrating and awarding grants. Her career in the grant industry began over two decades ago where she interacted with federal, state and local government funding agencies, as well as private philanthropic sources.
Heidi has served on numerous boards and funding committees, both public and private. Her history includes, but is not limited to: FEMA, Homeless Assistance Shelter Grants, United Way, and private foundations. In her position as Director with a private foundation in Aberdeen, SD, she reviewed grant requests, made recommedations for funding, guided grant writers to additional funding sources, and collaborated with other grant funders.
Many grant writers focus on the Organization's needs, while forgetting that they must fulfill the grantor's (funder's) needs as well.
Don't expect the righteousness of your cause to win you the grant. Foundations receive proposals for nothing but righteous causes. Yours must have a series of ingredients in addition to your cause to compete successfully against the other proposals vyinng for limited dollars.
Top 10 Ways to Become a Better Fundraiser
1- Ask! Don't wait or someone else may ask and you could lose your only chance.
2- Be professional and look professional.
3- Be accountable, personally and for your nonprofit.
4- Be honest. Lisen to your heart and strive to understand where their heart is also.
5- Speak with conviction for your cause. Be prepared for all kinds of questions.
6- If you can't approach someone yourself, recruit someone connected with your organization who can.
7- Keep in mind that a prospect is simply a donor without motivation. You must provide the motivation!
8- Be a friendly motivator. Never try to push or guilt them into giving.
9- Ask your donor to join you in your cause and to share their conviction with friends, relatives and business associates.
10-A good fundraiser has thick skin, doesn't take things personally, possesses exceptional listening ability and a quick mind, and is not embarrassed to ask. It is what your donor is waiting for.