Jack Adrian Vorster, now retired, has a background in marketing/advertising in the newspaper field. A fervent student of the Bible for over 30 years, he enjoys writing on the subject of the human make-up. His newest ebook, The Weightloss Revelation, looks at the three areas of weight overload in the human make-up and which systematically defines how to shed this three-fold burden. Several ebooks and articles on the subject may be downloaded or viewed at his website http://www.earthboundlife.wozaonline.co.za
Varying degrees of confidence, apprehension and fear work together to shape our lives. If we are able to replace all three with faith, nothing would or could stand in the way of what we would be able to accomplish. It is a matter of finding out what faith really is, how it works - and attaining it. There is nothing else worth pursuing, for everything in life flows from it. Jack Vorster