Jane Galbraith lives in Ontario. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from McMaster University and has worked in the community health care field since 1976. She is the author of “Baby Boomers Face Grief – Survival and Recovery".
Her work has included dealing with palliative clients and their bereaved families for the past two decades and also assists facilitating grief support groups. She has been involved with both residential hospices that opened in her region as well as the palliative care initiatives in her area.
Jane sits on the Canadian Pension Plan Tribunal as the medical member to hear appeals for disability cases as well as providing nursing expert opinion on a variety of legal matters.
She presents on a regular basis to many community groups, hospices, volunteer groups and employers. Companies concerned about lost productivity have embraced workshops on the effect of grief in the workplace.
As well she has presented to the Bereavement Ontario Network annual meeting, the Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Conference in 2007, conducted a workshop at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in September 2009 and presented to the Ontario Palliative Care Association in 2010.
Grief will affect the Baby Boomer population differently from previous generations. There are 90 million Baby Boomers in North America. When these BB's lose their parents there will be a huge wave of grief surging through the country.
Many are still working and the effect of their grief on workplace productivity will be enormous. The Grief Recovery Institute in a report in 2003 indicated that lost productivity in the workplace due to the loss of a loved one was $37.5 billion.
We need to give people permission to talk about grief and their feelings. Validation is what people need to help them get through this life altering event. People need to start TALKING about this subject - perhaps this generation can make further changes to our social culture.
Information is available at www.boomergrief.com about grief. Links to other good resources are included as well as the entire introductory chapter of the book, Baby Boomers Face Grief - Survival and Recovery. Access to the author with direct email links is also on the site.